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- The largest bakery weighs 17 250 kg and produces 587 kg of ready-made products .
- 最大的面包房重达17250千克,它制造出了587千克的成品。
- The falls in production would support prices at a level of about $ 4.50 a kg , he added .
- 他补充称,产量下降将令茶叶价格在每千克约4.50美元的水平获得支撑。
- The rats were fed 12.5 grams of fructose per kg ( 2.2 pounds ) of weight every day for a year .
- 在一年里,这些老鼠每天按每千克(2.2磅)体重12.5克的标准摄取果糖。
- According to the original agreement , wang 's milk should be sold to the dairy giant 's local branch for 3 yuan per kg , in this case 4350 yuan .
- 根据原来的协议,王的牛奶应该以3元/千克的价格卖给该乳业巨头的本地分公司,在这件事中也就是4350元。
- By average-sized , they mean a 70 kg lump of meat made largely of oxygen , hydrogen carbon and nitrogen .
- 这里的平均尺寸是指一块主要由氢、氧、碳、氮等元素构成的70公斤的肉块。
- Designer mahdi naim used transparent polycarbonate for creation of this furniture item and he assures that this chair can support sitter up to 120 kg .
- 设计师玛迪奈姆使用透明聚碳酸酯来制造这件家具,并且他保证这把椅子可以支撑120公斤重的人。
- As well as exceeding 2010 's figure of 27 million kg , 2011 's figure is larger than the 27.5 million kg dropped from 2006 to 2009 .
- 除了超过2010年2700万公斤的纪录,2011年的数字还大于2006年至2009年总计空投的2750万公斤。
- Rubber futures contracts for march delivery on the tokyo commodities exchange hit $ 1.62 per kg last week , a three-year low .
- 东京工业品交易所(tokyocommoditiesexchange)3月交货的橡胶期货,上周跌至每公斤1.62美元的3年低位。
- Garlic oil enhanced the lymphocyte proliferation rate accompanied by an elevated production of all four cytokines when given at a dose of 100mg / kg .
- 当剂量为每公斤100毫克时,大蒜油提高淋巴细胞增殖率,同时提高全部4种细胞激动素的产生。
- Women who gain more than 40 pounds ( 18 kg ) during pregnancy have nearly twice the risk of delivering a heavy baby as those who gain less , u. s.researchers said on friday .
- 美国研究人员于上周五称,怀孕期间体重增幅超过40磅(18公斤)的女性生出超重婴儿的几率几乎是增重较少女性的两倍。