1960s 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But in the mid 1960s it stopped rising . And by 1974 it was falling significantly .
- 但在六十年代中期,它停止了增长,甚至在1974年出现了大幅下滑。
- Password problems have been around since the 1960s .
- 密码泄露问题早在上世纪60年代就出现了。
- Picture a bond investor who started his career in the 1960s .
- 想象一个从上世纪60年代开始其职业生涯的债券投资者。
- The curve was widely used in the 1960s .
- 该曲线在上世纪60年代得到了广泛应用。
- Since the 1960s , it has lost more than half of its volume .
- 自1960年代以来,咸海已经失去了超过一半的容量。
- The tapes contain raw data sent back from the five lunar orbiter missions in the 1960s .
- 这些旧磁带包含着1960年代五次月球探测器任务中发回的原始数据。
- In the late 1960s , a young canadian psychiatrist believed he had the answer .
- 在1960年代后期,一个年轻的加拿大精神病医师相信他能回答这个问题。
- The 1960s and early 1970s were the golden years for the dprk .
- 上世纪60年代和70年代初是朝鲜的黄金时代。
- In the 1960s academic and critical attention to cinema as a legitimate art form emerged .
- 1960年代,学术界和批评界的关注使电影作为一种真正的艺术形式荣登大雅之堂。
- In the 1960s , after the u.s. enforced harsh regulation on wall street , the u.k. welcomed american banks and other foreign firms by keeping regulation light and work permit requirements relaxed .
- 上世纪60年代,美国开始对华尔街执行严苛的监管制度,英国却继续实施轻度监管政策,并进一步放松了工作签证要求,由此迎来了许多美国银行和其他外国机构。