英语笑话:Carpet 地毯

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-10  


Aaron was laying down carpet in some woman’s home.As he was finishing,he got a craving for a cigarette.Aaron looked around and discovered that his cigarettes were missing.He did,however,notice a bump in the carpet,and figured that he had laid carpet over the pack without noticing it there.Aaron decided rather than to take up the carpet,he would get a hammer and pound it into the ground so no one would know.

When he finished that,the owner of the house walked into the room and commented on what a nice job he had done.

“Aaron,The carpet looks wonderful!”she exclaimed.“Here are your cigarettes.I found them in the kitchen.Oh yes,and by the way,have you seen my gerbil?”


1.laying down - 铺设

2.carpet - 地毯

3.craving - 渴望

4.cigarette - 香烟

5.noticed - 注意到

6.bump - 凸起

7.figured - 推测

8.pounding - 敲打

9.finished - 完成

10.owner - 房主

11.job - 工作

12.exclaimed - 惊呼

13.gerbil - 跳鼠



