
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-19  



Walkie-talkies, also known as hand-held transceivers or portable radios, are two-way mobile communication devices that allow users to communicate verbally without the need for network coverage. They are widely used in military, police, security, emergency services, outdoor activities, construction sites, hotels, warehouses, schools, and many other situations that require instant communication.


Walkie-talkies send and receive signals via radio waves on specific frequencies. They typically operate on designated bands such as VHF (Very High Frequency) or UHF (Ultra High Frequency). Users can transmit voice by pressing the "talk" button on the walkie-talkie, while others can hear through the same channel.



  1. 基本操作词汇

    • Channel (频道) - "Can you switch to channel 5?" (你能切换到5频道吗?)

    • Volume (音量) - "Please increase the volume." (请增大音量。)

    • Mute (静音) - "I'm going to mute the microphone for a moment." (我要把麦克风静音一会儿。)

    • Handheld (手持的) - "Pass me the handheld radio." (把手持对讲机递给我。)

  2. 通讯状态描述

    • Clear (清晰的) - "The signal is clear." (信号很清晰。)

    • Static (静电干扰) - "There's too much static." (静电干扰太大了。)

    • Interference (干扰) - "We're experiencing some interference." (我们遇到了一些干扰。)

    • Reception (接收) - "Reception is poor in this area." (这个区域的接收不好。)

  3. 请求与指示

    • Check in (报到) - "Everyone, please check in." (大家请报到。)

    • Stand by (待命) - "Stand by for further instructions." (请待命,等待进一步指示。)

    • Copy (收到) - "Copy that, over." (收到,完毕。)

    • Roger (明白) - "Roger, I understand." (明白,我理解。)

  4. 紧急情况用语

    • Emergency (紧急情况) - "This is an emergency." (这是紧急情况。)

    • Mayday (求救信号) - "Mayday, mayday, mayday." (求救,求救,求救。)

    • Assistance (援助) - "We need assistance immediately." (我们需要立即援助。)

    • Evacuate (疏散) - "Evacuate the building now." (现在立即疏散大楼。)

  5. 位置与方向

    • Location (位置) - "What's your current location?" (你目前的位置是哪里?)

    • North (北) - "Head north on Main Street." (沿着主街向北走。)

    • Coordinates (坐标) - "The coordinates are 45.123, -90.456." (坐标是45.123, -90.456。)

    • Landmark (地标) - "Meet at the clock tower landmark." (在钟楼地标处集合。)

  6. 团队协作

    • Team (团队) - "Team, let's synchronize our watches." (团队,让我们对一下手表。)

    • Support (支援) - "We need backup support." (我们需要支援。)

    • Group (小组) - "Group, let's take a break." (小组,我们休息一下。)

    • Lead (领队) - "Follow the lead of the guide." (跟随向导的带领。)

  7. 结束通话

    • Out (结束) - "That's all for now, out." (现在就这些,结束。)

    • Over and out (通话结束) - "Over and out." (通话结束。)

    • Signing off (签退) - "Signing off for the day." (今天签退了。)
