小学英语作文:Road safety 道路安全

英语作文    发布时间:2023-06-05  

小学英语作文:Road safety 道路安全

Road safety is the practice of being safe and alert while using the road. It is very important for kids to learn about road safety from an early age. One of the most important things kids can do is obey traffic rules and signals. Always look both ways before crossing the street and never run into the street.

If you are riding a bike, always wear a helmet and use hand signals when turning. Make sure your bike is in good condition and the brakes work properly. Never ride against traffic or on busy roads. Always ride on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic.

If you are walking on the road, always use the sidewalk if there is one. If there is no sidewalk, walk as far to the right as possible and face oncoming traffic. Never walk on the road at night without reflective clothing or lights.

It is also important to always be alert and aware of your surroundings. Stay off your phone or other devices while crossing the road or riding a bike. Be mindful of cars and other vehicles on the road.

In conclusion, road safety is very important for kids to learn. Always obey traffic rules, wear helmets and reflective clothing while on the road. Be aware of your surroundings and never take unnecessary risks on the road.







- Road safety: 道路安全,文章主题和核心概念。

- Practice: 实践,道路安全需要实践和遵守交通规则。

- Traffic rules and signals: 交通规则和信号,遵守交通规则对于道路安全至关重要。

- Look both ways: 向两边看,过马路前需要向左右两边看。

- Bicycle safety: 自行车安全,骑自行车需要注意佩戴头盔、使用手势、保持自行车良好状态等方面的问题。

- Sidewalk: 人行道,行人应尽量利用人行道行走。

- Reflective clothing and lights: 反光衣服和灯光,晚上行走或骑车需要使用反光衣服和灯光增加可见性。

- Alert and aware: 警觉和注意力,行动中需要时刻保持警觉、留意周围环境。

- Devices: 设备,如手机、平板电脑等,行动中需要远离这些设备以保证安全。

- Unnecessary risks: 不必要的风险,在道路上不能冒险行动,需要遵守相关规定以保证安全。


- Road safety is the practice of being safe and alert while using the road.(道路安全是在使用道路时保持安全和警觉的做法。):这句话概括了整篇文章的主题和核心概念。

- It is very important for kids to learn about road safety from an early age.(让孩子们从小就了解道路安全非常重要。):文章强调了孩子们需要尽早学习道路安全知识的重要性。

- Always obey traffic rules, wear helmets and reflective clothing while on the road.(在道路上始终遵守交通规则、佩戴头盔和反光衣。):这句话强调了在道路上行动时需要注意的关键安全措施。

- Never take unnecessary risks on the road.(永远不要在道路上冒不必要的风险。):这句话重申了遵循相关规定以及保持谨慎和警觉的重要性。

- In conclusion, road safety is very important for kids to learn.(总之,孩子们学习道路安全非常重要。):这句话对全文进行了总结,并强调了道路安全知识对于孩子们的重要性。

关于Road safety,可以使用的词汇和英语句子:


- Crosswalk:人行横道

- Traffic light:交通信号灯

- Speed limit:限速

- Pedestrian:行人

- Motorist:驾车人

- School zone:学校区域

- Seat belt:安全带

- Drunk driving:酒后驾车

- Texting while driving:开车时发短信


- Always look both ways before crossing the street.(过马路前一定要向左右两边看。)

- Follow the speed limit to avoid accidents.(遵守限速规定以避免事故。)

- Wear bright or reflective clothing when walking at night.(晚上行走时穿着明亮或反光的衣服。)

- Make eye contact with drivers before crossing the street.(过马路前与驾驶员进行目光接触。)

- Never run into the street from behind parked cars.(从停放的车辆后面不要突然冲进马路。)

- Always use crosswalks and obey traffic signals.(始终使用人行横道,并遵守交通信号。)

- Be aware of cars turning or backing up in parking lots.(注意在停车场内汽车的转弯或倒车。)

- Never get into a car with a driver who has been drinking.(不要和酒后驾车的司机一起乘车。)

- Keep your phone out of reach while driving.(开车时让手机不在手边。)