
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-02  



1. Neighbor - 邻居

2. Next door - 隔壁的

3. Friendly - 友好的

4. Helpful - 乐于助人的

5. Community - 社区

6. Neighborly - 邻里的,友好的

7. Block party - 街区聚会

8. Welcome wagon - 欢迎新邻居的组织

9. Good fences make good neighbors - 好篱笆造就好邻居(意指保持适当的界限可以促进邻里和谐)

10. Homeowner - 房主

11. Tenant - 租户

12. Suburb - 郊区

13. Apartment complex - 公寓楼群

14. Condo - 公寓

15. Townhouse - 联排别墅

16. Gated community - 有门禁的社区

17. Noise complaint - 噪音投诉

18. Property line - 产权线

19. Shared driveway - 共享车道

20. Community garden - 社区花园


A: Hey, have you met our new neighbors yet?

B: No, I haven't. When did they move in?

A: Just last week. They seem really nice. I saw them unloading their moving truck.

B: That's great. It's always nice to have friendly neighbors.

A: Yeah, I'm going to introduce myself later today. Do you want to come along?

B: Sure, I'd love to meet them.

A: 嘿,你见过我们的新邻居了吗?

B: 没有,他们是什么时候搬来的?

A: 上周。他们看起来真的很好。我看见他们在卸搬家卡车。

B: 太好了。有友好的邻居总是好事。

A: 是啊,我今天晚些时候打算去自我介绍。你想一起来吗?

B: 当然,我很乐意去见见他们。


The Importance of Good Neighbors

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of having good neighbors. However, a supportive and friendly neighborhood can greatly enhance our quality of life. Good neighbors are like extended family members who are there for us in times of need.

Living in a community, we often rely on our neighbors for various reasons. They can help us with small tasks, like picking up our mail when we're away or keeping an eye on our house while we're on vacation. They can also provide companionship and a sense of security, especially for the elderly or those living alone.

Moreover, good neighbors contribute to a harmonious community by participating in local events and initiatives. They foster a sense of belonging and encourage everyone to take pride in their neighborhood. This, in turn, leads to a safer and more enjoyable living environment for all residents.

In conclusion, the value of good neighbors cannot be overstated. They play a crucial role in building strong communities and improving our daily lives. Let's all strive to be good neighbors and make our neighborhoods a better place to live.







❶ 你觉得你的邻居们怎么样?How do you like your neighbors?

同类表达 What do you think about your neighbors?

❷ 邻居们时常来我家串门。My neighbors drop in on me from time to time.

对话 A: How are your neighbors? 你邻居们怎么样?

B: I get along quite well with the boys of our neighbors. And they drop in on me from time to time.我和邻居的男孩们相处得很好。而且他们时常来我家串门。

❸ 她特别热情好客。She is quite hospitable and always keeps her house open.

同类表达 She is easy-going and has a large circle of acquaintances. 她很随和,交际圈也很广。

She is indifferent and quiet. 她很冷淡,而且话很少。

❹ 我和邻居经常互相帮忙。My neighbor and I often turn to each other for help.

同类表达 My neighbor and I often help each other. 我和邻居常常互相帮助。

❺ 我在给今晚要来的邻居朋友们准备食物。I'm preparing food for my friends from neighborhood who will come tonight.

❻ 我真是受不了我邻居制造的噪声了。I really can't stand the noise from my neighbor.

同类表达 My neighbor plays rock music all night, every night. 我的邻居每天晚上都放摇滚乐到天亮,而且夜夜如此。

对话 A: What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?

B: I really can't stand the noise from my neighbor. 我真是受不了我邻居制造的噪声了。

❼ 我受够了我的邻居了。I'm fed up with my neighbor.

同类表达 I've had enough of my neighbor Mr. Smith. 我受够了我的邻居史密斯先生。

对话 A: I want to move out. 我想搬走了。

B: Why? 为什么?

A: I'm fed up with my neighbor. 我受够了我的邻居了。

❽ 我和邻居们经常聚会。I often get together with my neighbors.

❾ 一个邻居搬进了这栋公寓。A neighbor moved into this apartment.

❿ 我的邻居很少说话。My neighbor seldom speaks.

同类表达 My neighbor is weird. 我的邻居很奇怪。