双语启发故事:PURE FRIENDSHIP 纯洁的友谊

英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-02  


It was a winter morning without the sun, the freezing cold quietly nipping to the bone of the people waiting for the bus. They were all black, sometimes raising their heads to look afar or looking up at the sullen sky.

Suddenly, the crowd stirred up. Yes, here came a bus. A minibus rolled along in no hurry. Curiously, the people still stood where they were, still raising their heads and looking at the place farther away; they didn't seem to be anxious to get on the bus, still expecting something. Who were they waiting for? Did they have a partner not to come?

Sure enough, after a figure appeared from afar, the crowd stirred up once again. The figure walked hurriedly, sometimes trotted and finally drew near. It was a woman, a white woman. At this time, the crowd was on the point of cheering. Undoubtedly, she was the partner who other black people were waiting for together.

Why? You know, in this country, the white and the black were always hostile to each other. What force made them so close?

Formerly, it was a remote way station, the bus moved to and fro every two hours, and the bus drivers had a privity : the bus stopped in the presence of white people, but the people who lived nearby were almost black. It was said that the white woman was a writer who lived in a place three miles ahead, where there was also a station. But in order to make the black people ride the bus favorably, she insisted walking here for three miles to board the bus, rain or shine.

The black people almost embraced the writer to send her on to the bus.

“Hi, Susan.” Before the female writer kept her legs, she heard someone call her name. Looking up, she saw her friend Jay.

“Why do you get on the bus here?” asked Jay in confusion.

“Because,” the writer said, pointing to the station, “the bus doesn't stop without white people. So I come here.” With that, the writer tidied up the goods in her arms.

Surprised, Jay stared at the writer and said, “Just for these black people?”

The writer also widened her eyes, “Why, is it very important?”

We were also surprised and then came to understand as long as you have love in your heart, everything will be as pure as nature.













-nip [nɪp] v. 捏;掐

-sullen [ˈsʌlən] adj. (天气)阴沉的

-privity [ˈprɪvɪtɪ] n. 默契

反对种族主义和种族歧视一直是世界普遍关注的问题。1966年11月9日,第21届联合国大会通过一项决议,把每年3月21日定为“国际消除种族歧视日(International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination)”。每年这一天,世界多国举行活动,纪念1960年3月21日在南非德兰士瓦省沙佩维尔镇发生的“沙佩维尔惨案”。当时,黑人因不满当局推行带有种族歧视色彩的“通行证法”,举行大规模示威游行,在游行中遭到南非军警开枪射击。