翻译辨析:"go off"是走掉了还是没有走掉?

英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-29  


As soon as she saw all the dirt on his clothes she went off on him.



辨 析:

这里的 "went off on him" 是一个短语,意思是对某人生气或者责备某人。所以,这句话描述的是一个人因为看到另一个人衣服上的脏东西而感到愤怒。

其正确译文应该是:一看到他衣服上全是土,她就大声嚷开了/ 嚷了起来。

"Go off" 这个短语在英语中有多个意思,具体含义取决于上下文。

  1. 发出声音或爆炸

    • The alarm clock went off at 6 AM, waking everyone up. (闹钟在早上6点响起,唤醒了所有人。)

  2. 离开或出发

    • The train goes off at 8:30, so we need to be at the station early. (火车在8:30出发,所以我们需要早点到车站。)

  3. 开始(活动、比赛等)

    • The concert goes off at 7 PM tonight. (音乐会今晚7点开始。)

  4. 突然发生(通常指不愉快的事情)

    • The meeting went off without a hitch. (会议顺利进行,没有出现任何问题。)

  5. 变得生气或激动

    • She went off on him for being late. (她因为他迟到而对他大发雷霆。)

  6. 变得流行或受欢迎

    • The new song has really gone off in the charts. (这首新歌在排行榜上真的火了起来。)

  7. 变质或变坏

    • The milk has gone off, so it's not safe to drink. (牛奶变质了,所以不安全饮用。)

理解"go off"这个短语时,需要根据具体语境来判断其准确的意思。