Adc tools encountered errors updating some connection agreements . Please check that your logged on account has full permissions on the adc connection agreement container .
It much enhances the bandwidth of the multiplying digital-to-analog converter ( mdac ) circuit in pipelined adc , and thus the conversion rate can be speeded up .
As a bottleneck in the mixed-signal system design , high-speed adc consumes a large chip area , power budget and designing period .
After the financial collapse of his family , he had himself moved from the royal artillery to the post of adc and private secretary to the governor of lagos , sir gilbert carter .
During the decades after that time , american public assistance policy , which transformed from adc to tanf , has experienced the processes of expansion , adjustment and reform .
An error has occurred while disconnecting from the security authority on the responsible adc server for this connection agreement . Please ensure that the adc service has been started .