
Instagram 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Nasty gal has a huge following on facebook ( fb ) , instagram , and twitter .
- NastyGal在Facebook、Instagram和Twitter网站上有大量粉丝。
- And apple 's marketing boss phil schiller is all over instagram .
- 并且苹果公司的市场营销老大philschiller就是一个instagram狂热用户。
- Instagram has also highlighted south korea and hong kong users on its blog .
- instagram也曾在其博客上推荐韩国和香港的用户。
- He declined to discuss specifics of how instagram might turn itself into a business .
- 他拒绝深入讨论有关如何把instagram如何能够将它自己转化为商业。
- A sina public relations representative said he couldn 't immediately provide data on instagram usage on the weibo platform .
- 新浪一位公关代表表示暂时无法提供新浪微博平台上instagram的使用量数据。
- Phones now come equipped with super mega-pixels and awesome applications like instagram and dotti .
- 现在,手机已经配备了超百万像素镜头和其他可怕的设备,例如抓拍和美化。
- " You 've asked for instagram on the web and we 've listened , " the company 's blog says . "
- Instagram的官方博客上写道:“您希望我们推出网络版的Instagram,我们从善如流。
- I posted only on instagram , my current favorite tool , and I left my phone off , and mostly in my purse .
- 我只在自己目前最喜欢的工具——Instagram上发布照片,而且我还关掉了手机,在大部分时间里把手机放在小提包里。
- As fortune reported in may when the social network opted to buy instagram for a deal then-valued at $ 1 billion , facebook 's has lagged behind the competition .
- 正如五月份《财富》杂志(Fortune)报道称,当初Facebook选择以10亿美元收购照片分享应用Instagram时,其实这家社交网络已经在竞争中落于下风。
- Facebook paid a steep price for instagram to learn -- and follow -- what instagram knew about the mobile web , not to suck its blood dry .
- Facebook花大价钱收购了Instagram,为的是学习和认识Instagram对移动应用的了解,而不是要吸干它的血。