
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-05  



Commute - 通勤

Office hours - 办公时间

Working hours - 工作时间

Punch in/punch out - 打卡(上班/下班)

Flexible working hours - 灵活工作时间

Break time - 休息时间

Overtime - 加班

Time clock - 时间打卡机

Daily schedule - 日常时间表

Work-life balance - 工作与生活平衡


The daily routine of commuting to and from work plays a significant role in an individual's overall work experience. Commuting refers to the travel between home and the workplace, which can impact one's productivity and work-life balance. For many employees, commuting is an essential part of their day, often involving various modes of transportation such as driving, taking public transit, or cycling.

Office hours, typically set from 9 AM to 5 PM, define the standard working times during which employees are expected to be at their desks. However, many modern workplaces offer flexible working hours to accommodate different personal needs and improve job satisfaction. Employees might start their workday earlier or later depending on their preferences and company policies.

Break times during the workday, such as lunch breaks, are crucial for maintaining productivity and reducing stress. Effective management of these times can contribute to a better work-life balance. Additionally, punctuality in both arriving and leaving work is often emphasized, and many companies use time clocks to track attendance. Balancing commuting time, work hours, and personal life is essential for maintaining overall well-being and job satisfaction.





❶ 你上班打卡了吗?Did you punch in?

这样回答 I remember I punched in. 我记得我打卡了。

对话 A: Did you punch in? 你上班打卡了吗?

B: Oh, I forgot. 哦,我忘了。

❷ 打卡机坏了。The time clock is broken.

同类表达 There must be something wrong with the time clock. 打卡机一定是出了什么问题。

❸ 今天上午所有的员工都在九点之前打卡上班了。All staff punched in before 9:00 this morning.

对话 A: Was anyone late for work this morning? 今天早上有人上班迟到吗?

B: No. All staff punched in before 9:00 this morning. 没有,今天上午所有的员工都在九点之前打卡上班了。

❹ 你迟到了十分钟。You're ten minutes late.

同类表达 What time did you clock in this morning? 你今天上午几点打的卡?

John punched in late this morning. 约翰早上打卡迟了。

❺ 我今天可以提前一个小时下班吗?Can I knock off one hour early today?

这样回答 For what? 为什么?

❻ 你不能提前打卡下班。You're not allowed to clock out ahead of time.

❼ 我想下班的时间到了。I think it is time to call it a day.

同类表达 I'm leaving now, but there is something wrong with the time clock. 我要走了,但是打卡机出问题了。

❽ 吉姆,要我帮你下班打卡吗?Shall I clock out for you, Jim?

对话 A: Shall I clock out for you, Jim? 吉姆,要我帮你下班打卡吗?

B: No. Company doesn't allow it. 不用了,公司不允许的。

❾ 我有急事,我要现在打卡下班。I have something urgent and I need to clock out now.

同类表达 I wish I could leave now. 我希望现在就可以走了。

❿ 给我一分钟的时间退出电脑系统。Just give me one minute to log out.

这样回答 Hurry up! 快点儿!