
英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-27  



Campus: 校园

Facility: 设施

Orientation: 新生入学指导

Administrative office: 行政办公室

Dormitory: 宿舍

Classroom: 教室

Library: 图书馆

Recreation center: 活动中心


When starting at a new school, getting familiar with the campus is essential. It involves knowing the locations of key places such as classrooms, the library, and the administrative office. A campus tour, often provided during orientation, helps students locate these areas and understand their daily routines. It also includes becoming acquainted with the dormitory, where students will spend much of their time. Additionally, exploring recreational areas like the gym or the student center can make the transition smoother. This familiarity not only helps in navigating the school but also in feeling more comfortable and confident in a new environment. Understanding where everything is and how things work can significantly enhance the overall school experience.



❶ 打扰一下,请问去哪里注册?Excuse me, could you tell me where I can register?

同类表达 Where can I find the student center? 学生中心在哪里?

❷ 请问一下数学教学楼在哪里?Do you know where the math building is?

同类表达 Do you know where the library is? 你知道图书馆在哪儿吗?

❸ 新生说明会将帮助大家熟悉校园。Orientation will familiarize you with the campus.

同类表达 Everyone is required to attend orientation. 所有人都必须参加新生说明会。

Orientation will help you adjust to the new environment. 新生说明会将帮你适应新环境。

❹ 校园很大,有数千棵树。The campus is very big and has thousands of trees.

这样提问 Could you describe your campus? 你可以描述一下你的校园吗?

❺ 你了解怀特教授吗?他怎么样?Do you know anything about Professor White? Is he good?

同类表达 What course do you offer for the next term? 你下学期开什么课程?

这样回答 Yes. He is very strict but very responsible. 了解。他很严厉,但是也很负责。

❻ 你是几年级的?What year are you in?

这样回答 I'm a sophomore, and I come here with my elder brother. 我是大二学生,我是和哥哥一起来的。

I'm a freshman. 我是大一的学生。

❼ 如何登陆学校的计算机系统?How do I log in a computer at school?

这样回答 You need to register first and then enter the username and the password. 你得先注册,然后输入用户名和密码就行了。

❽ 如何查看我的导师是谁呢?How can I check who my advisor is?

这样回答 You should access your school's website to check. 你可以登录学校的网站进行查询。

❾ 我喜欢这个教授的讲课方式。I like the way this professor teaches.

同类表达 I'm interested in his teaching style. 我对他的教学风格很感兴趣。

❿ 我希望能在这里提高我的英语水平,并交到许多朋友。I'd like to better my English and make a lot of friends here.

同类表达 I hope I can elevate my comprehensive quality. 我希望能提高自己的综合素质。