
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-08  



habit - 习惯
routine - 日常
custom - 习俗
ritual - 仪式
tradition - 传统
behavior - 行为
practice - 实践
pattern - 模式
routine - 常规
addiction - 上瘾
compulsion - 强迫
repetition - 重复
obsession - 痴迷
consistency - 一致性
regularity - 规律性
habitual - 习惯性的
routine - 惯例的
customary - 习惯上的
habitually - 习惯地
consistently - 一贯地
repeatedly - 反复地
habit-forming - 使人上瘾的
in the habit of - 习惯于
break a habit - 打破习惯
form a habit - 养成习惯
kick a habit - 戒掉习惯
change one's habits - 改变习惯


A: Do you have any habits that you do every day?

B: Yes, I have a few. I always wake up early in the morning and go for a jog. Then I have breakfast and read the news.

A: That sounds like a healthy routine. What else do you do?

B: Well, after work, I like to unwind by playing the guitar. It helps me relax and forget about the stresses of the day.

A: That's great! Anything else?

B: Oh, before going to bed, I always make sure to meditate for a few minutes. It helps me clear my mind and sleep better.

A: Those are some really good habits. I should start incorporating some of them into my daily routine too.

B: Definitely! They have made a positive impact on my life, and I'm sure they will do the same for you.

A: 你有每天都会做的习惯吗?

B: 是的,我有几个。我每天早上都会早起慢跑,然后吃早餐、看新闻。

A: 听起来像是一个健康的日常安排。还有其他的吗?

B: 嗯,在工作结束之后,我喜欢弹吉他放松一下。这有助于我放松身心,忘记一天的压力。

A: 那太好了!还有其他的吗?

B: 哦,在睡觉前,我总是会冥想几分钟。这有助于我放松心情,更好地入睡。

A: 这些都是非常好的习惯。我也应该开始把它们融入到我的日常生活中。

B: 绝对!它们对我的生活产生了积极的影响,我相信它们对你也会有同样的效果。


Habits: The Quiet Architects of Our Lives

Habits are the unerring blueprints that shape our lives without us often realizing it. They are the quiet architects of our routines, subtly influencing our decisions and actions. From the mundane act of brushing our teeth every morning to the more complex patterns of thought that govern our behavior, habits are deeply ingrained in our daily existence.

They begin as conscious choices, but over time, they become automatic responses. The power of a habit lies in its ability to transform the seemingly insignificant into the monumental. A daily walk can lead to improved health, while a habit of saving small amounts of money can accumulate into significant wealth. Conversely, habits like procrastination or unhealthy eating can lead to detrimental effects on our well-being.

Breaking a bad habit is a challenge that requires determination and a clear plan. It involves replacing the old pattern with a new one, and this process can be slow and frustrating. However, the rewards of cultivating good habits are immense. They not only improve our lives but also empower us to become better versions of ourselves.

In conclusion, habits are the silent forces that steer our lives. By understanding and managing them, we can harness their power to create a life that aligns with our aspirations and values.







❶ 你家里有什么特别的习惯吗?Is there any special habit in your family?

这样回答 We're not allowed to speak during the meal. 我们家吃饭的时候不准说话。

❷ 我们都有早起的习惯。We all have the habit of rising early.

这样回答 My family has the same habit. 我家也有这样的习惯。

❸ 你多久换一次床单?How often do you change your sheets?

对话 A: How often do you change your sheets? 你多久换一次床单?

B: I replace my bedding once a month. 我一个月换一次我的床上用品。

❹ 你经常在家做饭吗?Do you often cook at home?

对话 A: Do you often cook at home? 你经常在家做饭吗?

B: Yeah, it's healthy and cheap. 是的,既健康又便宜。

❺ 我们习惯周末一起吃饭。We are accustomed to having dinner together on weekends.

同类表达 We are accustomed to visiting our parents on weekends. 我们习惯周末去看望父母。

We like to go to cinema on weekends. 我们周末喜欢去看电影。

❻ 我养成了每天慢跑的习惯。I have gotten into the habit of jogging every day.

同类表达 I have made a habit of jogging every day. 我养成了每天慢跑的习惯。

❼ 你还和父母住吗?Do you still live with your parents?

这样回答 I have lived alone for a year. 我自己住了一年了。

❽ 你有什么怪毛病吗?Do you have any pet peeves?

这样回答 I hate others staring at me. 我讨厌别人盯着我看。

对话 A: Do you have any pet peeves? 你有什么怪毛病吗?

B: I don't like to live with my family. 我不喜欢跟家人一起住。

❾ 我喜欢饭后走走。I'd love to walk after dinner.

同类表达 I'd love to eat some fruit after dinner. 我喜欢饭后吃些水果。

❿ 我们经常在周末举办家庭聚会。We often hold family parties at the weekends.

对话 A: What do you usually do at the weekends? 你周末通常做什么?

B: We often hold family parties at the weekends. 我们经常在周末举办家庭聚会。