MSN 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If the connection options for msn aren 't working , switch to http in the account settings page .
- 如果msn的连接选项不起作用,那么就在用户设置页面转换成http。
- News corp. , nielsen settle feud - msn money .
- 新闻公司尼尔森定居世仇-注释钱。
- I do not meet so clever msn ago .
- 我以前从未遇到过像他这样聪明的人。
- They say I 'm a msn of the world .
- 他们说我是一个世故的人。
- Write more emails and chat less msn .
- 写作瘁炼思考,聊天耗尽才华。
- My existing msn name is that the thing more complicated than complex is life .
- 称谓是比复杂更复杂的是生活。
- You can find out in a new york minute by checking msn money 's company report pages .
- 你可以用一分钟的时间,通过查看msn财经上的公司报告网页得出答案。
- In december , it notched as many page views as msn and yahoo combined .
- 在12月也创下点击率的新高,就如msn和雅虎整合后一般。
- This means that your default search from the address bar may no longer be msn , and may have been rerouted elsewhere , but the basic principle still applies .
- 这意味着从你的地址吧搜索违约可能不再注释并可能已改道别处,但基本原则仍然适用.
- A combination with yahoo could be the only option for msn rather than see the value in the business continue to dwindle , adds yousseff squali , an analyst at jefferies .
- jefferies分析师尤塞夫斯夸里(youssefsquali)补充道,与雅虎合并可能是msn的唯一选择,不然便只能眼看msn业务的价值继续萎缩。