
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-31  



Refrigerator 冰箱

Freezer 冷冻室

Refrigeration 制冷

Compressor 压缩机

Insulation 绝缘

Energy Efficiency 能效

Temperature Control 温度控制

Freshness Preservation 保鲜

Food Storage 食物储存

Beverage Cooler 饮料冷却器

Door Seal 门封

Defrost System 解霜系统

Smart Features 智能功能


The refrigerator is a staple in modern kitchens, offering a convenient way to store food and beverages. This sleek appliance features a spacious freezer for ice cream and frozen foods, complemented by a well-organized refrigerator compartment. The advanced compressor ensures efficient cooling, while the insulation keeps the cold air trapped, minimizing energy consumption. The temperature can be easily adjusted to cater to various food preservation needs. Additionally, the smart defrost system prevents frost buildup, maintaining optimal performance. Not only does it keep food fresh, but its sleek design also enhances the aesthetic of the kitchen. The refrigerator is a testament to the blend of functionality and style in home appliances.



❶ 冰箱空了。There's nothing in the fridge.

同类表达 The refrigerator is empty.

❷ 冰箱里有什么可以吃的吗?Do you have anything to eat in the fridge?

对话 A: Do you have anything to eat in the fridge? 冰箱里有什么可以吃的吗?

B: I have found some yogurt in the refrigerator. 我在冰箱里发现了一些酸奶。

❸ 该清理一下冰箱了。The fridge needs cleaning.

对话 A: The fridge needs cleaning. 该清理一下冰箱了。

B: It's your turn this time. 这次轮到你了。

❹ 冰箱里有股怪味。It is smelly in the fridge.

对话 A: It is smelly in the fridge. 冰箱里有股怪味。

B: Let me see if there is anything going bad. 我看看是不是有东西坏了。

❺ 牛奶过期了。The milk has expired.

同类表达 This box of milk has gone bad. 这盒牛奶变质了。

对话 A: The mike has expired. You'd better throw it into the dustbin now. 牛奶过期了,你最好现在扔到垃圾箱里去。

B: OK. 好的。

❻ 我在冰箱里找到一些剩菜。I find some leftovers in the refrigerator.

对话 A: I find some leftovers in the refrigerator. 我在冰箱里找到一些剩菜。

B: Let me see. Maybe we can make Bibimbap with them. 我看看,说不定能用这些剩菜做韩式拌饭呢。

❼ 把冰箱里的食物扔了吧。Let's throw the food in the fridge away.

同类表达 Let's throw the food in the fridge into dustbin.

对话 A: Let's throw the food in the fridge away. It gives off unpleasant odor. 把冰箱里的食物扔了吧。它散发出难闻的气味。

B: You always leave food in the fridge. 你总是把食物留在冰箱里。

❽ 冰箱里有给你留的饺子。There are some dumplings in the refrigerator for you.

❾ 把肉从冰箱里拿出来。Get the meat out of the freezer.

对话 A: Get the meat out of the freezer. And then we can make dumplings. 把肉从冰箱里拿出来。到时候我们就能包饺子了。

B: I like dumplings best. 我最喜欢饺子了。

❿ 我想用冰箱里的食物做点吃的。I want to cook something with what we have in the fridge.