
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-29  



In-flight Service: 机上服务

Cabin Crew: 机组人员

Meal Service: 餐饮服务

Entertainment System: 娱乐系统

Safety Demonstration: 安全演示

Seat Arrangement: 座位安排

Beverage Service: 饮料服务

Lavatory: 洗手间

Reading Light: 阅读灯

Airline Magazine: 航空公司杂志

Blanket: 毛毯

Pillow: 枕头

In-flight Sales: 机上销售

Emergency Procedures: 紧急程序


In-flight service is an integral part of air travel, aiming to make passengers' journeys more comfortable and enjoyable. From the moment they board the aircraft, passengers are greeted with a warm welcome and a smile from the cabin crew. The service begins with a safety demonstration, ensuring everyone is aware of the emergency procedures. Once in the air, the crew offers a variety of meal options to cater to different tastes and dietary requirements. Beverage service follows, with a selection of drinks to choose from. For entertainment, passengers can enjoy a wide range of movies, music, and games on the personal screens. Additional comforts such as blankets and pillows are provided to ensure a restful flight. The cabin crew is always ready to assist with any requests, ensuring a pleasant experience throughout the journey.



❶ 能再给我一条毯子吗?Could I get one more blanket?

同类表达 One extra pillow, please. 请再给我一个枕头。

这样回答 I can take that for you. 我可以帮你拿。

❷ 请给我一个呕吐袋。Get me the airsickness bag, please.

同类表达 Here is a barf bag. 这有一个呕吐袋。

The airsickness bag is in the seat pocket. 呕吐袋在椅背袋子里面。

❸ 我怎么才能把椅背放下来?How do I recline my seat?

同类表达 Could you put your seat up, please? 请竖起椅背好吗?

I can't adjust my seat back. 我的椅背没办法向后调。

❹ 本次航班即将行经乱流区。We are approaching an area of turbulence.

❺ 这个班机上卖免税商品吗?Do you sell duty-free items on this flight?

同类表达 Here comes the duty-free cart. 免税商品推车来了。

❻ 机上电影什么时候开始?What time does the flight movie start?

同类表达 Which is the movie channel? 电影频道是多少?

❼ 这副耳机是坏的。This headphone is not working.

同类表达 My headset doesn't seem to work. 我的耳机似乎不能用。

❽ 什么时候可以使用电子产品?When can I use my electronic devices?

对话 A: When can I use my electronic devices? 什么时候可以使用电子产品?

B: Please pay attention to the announcement. 请注意听机上广播。

❾ 我想吐。I feel like vomiting.

同类表达 After that turbulence I feel like I might throw up. 乱流之后,我觉得我可能要吐了。

Maybe I should drink a little water. 或许我应该喝一点水。

❿ 你们有晕机药吗?Do you have any medicine for airsickness?

同类表达 I am starting to feel a little better now. 我现在觉得好一些了。