
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-08  









关于习惯的英语对话 带翻译

A: Do you have any habits that you find hard to break?


B: Yes, I have a bad habit of biting my nails. It's something I do when I'm nervous or bored.


A: Have you tried to stop it?


B: I've tried many times, but it's difficult. It has become almost like a reflex for me.


关于习惯的英语作文 带翻译

Habits play a significant role in our lives as they shape our actions and behaviors. Whether good or bad, habits have the power to influence our daily routines and ultimately determine our success or failure.

Good habits, such as waking up early, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy diet, contribute to a productive and fulfilling life. These habits require discipline and consistency but can lead to improved physical and mental well-being. Developing positive habits often requires conscious effort and perseverance, but the long-term benefits are worth it.

On the other hand, bad habits have detrimental effects on our lives. They often provide temporary pleasure or relief but can result in negative consequences. Habits like smoking, excessive consumption of junk food, or procrastination can harm our health, hinder productivity, and limit personal growth. Breaking these habits may be challenging, but with determination and support, it is possible to overcome them.

It is important to recognize the power of habits and their impact on our lives. By consciously cultivating beneficial habits and eliminating harmful ones, we can create a positive and successful lifestyle.






❶ 他打呼噜打得很厉害。He snores really badly.

对话 A: My husband snores really badly. 我老公打呼噜打得很厉害。

B: I'm sorry to hear that. 抱歉听到这个。

❷ 我吃饭很不规律。I have meals irregularly.

对话 A: I have meals irregularly. 我吃饭很不规律。

B: This is really a bad habit. You should try to get rid of it. 这真的是一个坏习惯,你要想办法改掉。

❸ 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie.

对话 A: I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie. 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。

B: Then I can judge whether you are lying. 那我可以判断你是否在说谎。

❹ 她每晚都裸睡。She sleeps in the nude every night.

对话 A: She sleeps in the nude every night. 她每晚都裸睡。

B: Yeah, it's hard for her to sleep with clothing on. 是啊,她穿衣服很难睡着。

❺ 她一紧张就咬指甲。She bites her nails whenever she gets nervous.

同类表达 I can't say a word when I get nervous. 我一紧张就说不出话来。

❻ 我总是边看电视边吃晚饭。I always watch TV while having dinner.

同类表达 I always read newspaper while having breakfast. 我经常边看报纸边吃早饭。

❼ 不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

对话 A: I am addicted to the life of sleeping late and getting up at noon. 我沉溺于晚睡晚起的生活。

B: Don't form an undisciplined way of life. 不要养成散漫的生活作风。

❽ 江山易改,本性难移。A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead.

对话 A: Why can't you get rid of your stubbornness? 你为什么不能改掉你固执的性格?

B: A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead. 江山易改,本性难移。

❾ 他容易失去冷静。He is easy to lose his cool.

对话 A: Why does he often dispute with others? 他为什么经常与人争论?

B: He is easy to lose his cool. 他容易失去冷静。

❿ 我习惯晚睡晚起。I'm used to sleep late and get up late.

这样回答 It's a bad habit. 这是个坏习惯。
