
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-08  


The shares of that company jumped again yesterday.



辨 析:



jump - 跳跃、跳

high jump - 跳高

broad jump/long jump - 跳远

jumping board - 起跳板

jump onto a bus - 跳上一辆公共汽车

jump with joy - 高兴得跳起来

jump ships - 跳槽

jump the queue/line - 插队

jump a light/the red light - 闯红灯

jump the gun - 抢跑、匆忙做某事

jump from one subject into another - 从一个话题跳到另一个话题

give somebody a jump - 让某人吓一跳

give somebody the jumps - 使某人心惊肉跳

jump at a job - 马上/抢着接受一项工作

jump to a conclusion - 匆忙得出结论

jump to one's feet - 很快站起来

jump into action - 立即投入行动

Jump to it! - 立即做某事!


leap - 向前跳跃

Look before you leap - 看清楚了再往前跳

the great leap forward - 大跃进

frog leap - 蛙跳

A fish leapt out of the water - 一条鱼跳出水面

leap for joy - 高兴得跳起来

by leaps and bounds - 突飞猛进

bounce - 反弹

hop - 弹跳、蹦蹦跳跳

grass-hopper - 蚂蚱

triple jump - 三级跳远

hopscotch - 跳房子游戏

job-hopping - 快速跳槽

vault (over...) - 跳越(过障碍)

pole vault - 撑杆跳高

vaulting horse - 跳马

The robber vaulted the counter and grabbed away the jewelry - 劫匪跳过柜台抢走了珠宝

jump the horse over a fence - 骑着马跳过篱笆


Her heart jumped when she heard the bad news.听到那个坏消息,她的心猛地一跳 。

I jumped at his unexpected entry.他突然进来,吓 我一跳 。

心脏有规律的跳动是beat,如“他的心跳停了一下”是 His heart skipped/missed a beat。



The tiger sprang on me - 老虎向我扑过来

He sprang across the crook - 他跳过小河

He sprang out of the bed - 他一跃下床

spring into fame - 一举成名以上所说的是一般情况,有时候jump, leap, spring可以通用。


dive - 跳水、俯冲

parachute - 跳伞

dance - 跳舞

dance in a trance - 跳大神

汉语口语说的“气得直跳”的“跳”,实际上是“跺脚”,英文是stamp one's feet (with rage)。