
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-16  



Scholarship: 奖学金

Financial aid: 财务援助

Tuition: 学费

Academic achievement: 学术成就

Athletic talent: 体育才能

Artistic talent: 艺术才能

Leadership: 领导能力

Eligibility criteria: 申请资格标准

Grant: 捐赠

Merit-based: 基于成绩的

Need-based: 基于需求的

Endowment: 永久基金

Donor: 捐赠者


Scholarships are a beacon of hope for many students aspiring to pursue higher education. They are not just financial aids; they are acknowledgments of one's hard work and potential. Receiving a scholarship is like being told, "Your efforts are recognized, and we believe in your future."

I have always been passionate about environmental science, and my dedication to this field has been the driving force behind my academic success. Last year, I was fortunate to be awarded a merit-based scholarship that covered a significant portion of my tuition fees. This award has not only alleviated the financial burden on my family but has also motivated me to excel in my studies.

The scholarship process was rigorous, requiring me to submit essays, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. It was a testament to my commitment to environmental conservation and my academic achievements. Winning this scholarship has given me the confidence to aim higher and has opened doors to opportunities I never imagined.

I am deeply grateful to the donors who, through their generosity, have made it possible for students like me to focus on our education without the constant worry of financial constraints. I hope to one day give back to the community and support future scholars in their educational journey, just as I have been supported.

In conclusion, scholarships are more than just monetary awards; they are investments in the future. They empower students to achieve their dreams and contribute positively to society. I am honored to be a recipient of such a prestigious award and am committed to making the most of this opportunity.







❶ 我真的很需要这份奖学金。I really need the money from this scholarship.

同类表达 How are you going to pay your tuition? 你打算怎么支付你的学费?

❷ 申请奖学金需要什么资格?What do I need to qualify for this scholarship?

❸ 你知道奖学金有多少钱吗?Do you know how much the scholarship pays?

这样回答 My scholarship is worth $2,000 a year. 我的奖学金是每年2 000美元。

❹ 奖学金应该给最需要的人。The scholarship should go to people who need the money the most.

同类表达 She is applying for an academic scholarship from a university in the U.K. 她在申请一所英国大学提供的学术奖学金。

❺ 我希望我的分数足够高,能申请到这份奖学金。I hope my scores are high enough to apply for the scholarship.

同类表达 A high entrance exam score is a requirement for this scholarship. 这份奖学金要求入学考试成绩要高。

❻ 这份奖学金提供8 000美元的学费。This scholarship offers $8,000 for tuition.

同类表达 My scholarship covers tuition but not room and board fee. 我的奖学金包括学费,但是不包括食宿费。

❼ 这份奖学金要求我写篇论文。This scholarship requires me to write an essay.

对话 A: How can you get this scholarship? 你怎么得到这笔奖学金的?

B: This scholarship requires me to write an essay. 这份奖学金要求我写篇论文。

❽ 你的奖学金是全额资助吗?Is your scholarship a full-ride?

同类表达 I'd like to get the full scholarship. 我想拿全额奖学金。

❾ 他以全额奖学金进入了耶鲁大学。He attended Yale University on a full-ride scholarship.

同类表达 His scholarship covers everything. 他的奖学金包含了所有费用。

❿ 我的奖学金申请没能通过。My scholarship application didn't get passed.

同类表达 I failed to get the scholarship. 我没能拿到奖学金。