英语笑话:I’ve Had a Few Pints 我刚喝了几杯

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-16  

I’ve Had a Few Pints

Late one night the police were following a car.The driver of the car was driving immaculately,never going over the speed limit,giving the correct signals and even being courteous to other drivers.

Eventually the police car pulled alongside and an offlcer said to the driver,“Excuse me,sir.You’re not in trouble.We just wanted to compliment you on your exemplary driving.”

“Thank you,officer.”replied the driver,“I always make a point of driving especially carefully when I’ve had a few pints.”


1.police - 警察

2.following - 跟随

3.driver - 司机

4.immaculately - 无瑕地,完美地

5.speed limit - 速度限制

6.signals - 信号

7.courteous - 彬彬有礼的

8.eventually - 最终

9.pulled alongside - 并排行驶

10.officer - 警官

11.compliment - 称赞

12.exemplary - 模范的

13.driving - 驾驶

14.pints - 品脱(一种容量单位,常用于饮酒场合,此处指司机喝了酒)



