
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-26  



1. Argument - 争论
2. Quarrel - 争吵
3. Dispute - 争端
4. Conflict - 冲突
5. Row - 大吵大闹
6. Bicker - 争吵
7. Confrontation - 对抗
8. Feud - 长期不和
9. Tiff - 小争吵
10. Heated exchange - 激烈的争论
11. Escalate - 升级
12. Resolve - 解决
13. Settle - 和解
14. Compromise - 妥协
15. Apologize - 道歉
16. Make amends - 和解
17. Harsh words - 严厉的言辞
18. Accusation - 指责
19. Retaliation - 报复
20. Temper - 脾气


Dialogue 1:
A: I can't believe you said that to me! I'm really upset.
A: 我真不敢相信你对我说了那样的话!我真的很生气。
B: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Let's talk about it.
B: 对不起,我不是故意伤害你的感情。我们来谈谈吧。

Dialogue 2:
A: You always do this! I'm sick of it.
A: 你总是这样做!我受够了。
B: Look, I know it's frustrating, but let's try to calm down and find a solution.
B: 我知道这很让人沮丧,但我们试着冷静下来找个解决办法吧。


The Art of Resolving Arguments

Arguments are an inevitable part of human interaction. They can arise from misunderstandings, differences in opinion, or emotional stress. While it's natural to feel upset during a disagreement, it's important to approach the situation with a calm and rational mindset. Effective communication, active listening, and empathy are key to resolving conflicts. Apologizing when necessary and finding common ground can lead to a stronger relationship and a more peaceful environment.


The Impact of Quarrels on Relationships

Quarreling can have a profound impact on relationships, whether they are romantic, familial, or platonic. When a dispute occurs, it's crucial to address the issue promptly and with respect. Allowing a quarrel to fester can lead to resentment and long-term damage. It's essential to remember that every disagreement is an opportunity for growth and understanding. By learning to manage our emotions and communicate effectively, we can preserve the integrity of our relationships and foster a more harmonious life.



❶ 我简直不敢相信他会放我鸽子!I cannot believe he stood me up!

对话 A: I thought you had a date with John. Why are you back so early? 我还以为你跟约翰有约会。为什么回来这么早?

B: We had a date. But he didn't show up! I cannot believe he stood me up! 我们原本是约好的,但他却没出现!我简直不敢相信他会放我鸽子!

❷ 我到底做了什么,会得到这样的下场?What did I do to deserve this?

❸ 你总是有借口!You can always think of an excuse!

对话 A: You can always think of an excuse! 你总是有借口!

B: Why can't you believe me? I feel tired of explaining to you. 你为什么不能相信我?我厌倦向你解释了。

❹ 不要跟我用那种语气说话!Don't talk to me like that!

对话 A: Don't talk to me like that! 不要跟我用那种语气说话!

B: Who do you think you are! 你以为你是谁啊!

❺ 你再说一次试试看!Don't you dare to say it again!

对话 A: Don't you dare to say it again! 你再说一次试试看!

B: I don't want to quarrel with you. Please leave me alone. 我不想和你吵架,请让我一个人静一静。

❻ 你竟然吼我!我恨你!You yelled at me! I hate you!

对话 A: You yelled at me! I hate you! 你竟然吼我!我恨你!

B: Come on. It's you who drive me nuts. 拜托,是你让我抓狂了。

❼ 我再也不想见到你!I don't want to see your face again!

对话 A: I don't want to see your face again! 我再也不想见到你!

B: Well, that's what you say. I will move out right now. 好,是你说的。我马上搬出去。

❽ 别逼我!Don't push me!

对话 A: You are such a snobbish guy. You only love my money. 你这个势利小人,你只爱我的钱。

B: Don't push me! I don't want to beat you. 别逼我,我不想动手。

❾ 他们吵架之后又重归于好了。They were reconciled after a quarrel.

对话 A: They were reconciled after a quarrel. 他们吵架之后又重归于好了。

B: They always quarrel with each other. 他们总是吵架。

A: Yes, but they make it up soon. 是的,不过没过多久就好了。

❿ 尽管我们常常吵架,可我们还会在一起。We'll stay together although we often quarrel.