
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-22  



Family: 家庭

Kinship: 亲属关系

Blood ties: 血缘关系

Parental love: 父母之爱

Sibling: 兄弟姐妹

Filial piety: 孝顺

Generation gap: 代沟

Nurturing: 养育

Supportive: 支持的

Unconditional love: 无条件的爱

Bond: 纽带

Emotional connection: 情感联系


A: How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.

B: I've been busy with work and family matters. How about you?

A: I've been the same, just trying to balance everything. Speaking of family, how are your parents?

B: They're doing well, thank you. They're always supportive, even when I'm busy.

A: That's great. It's important to have that family bond.

B: Absolutely. No matter how busy life gets, family always comes first.

A: 你最近怎么样?有段时间没见了。

B: 工作和家庭的事情让我很忙。你呢?

A: 我也是,只是尽力平衡一切。说到家庭,你父母怎么样?

B: 他们很好,谢谢。即使我很忙,他们总是支持我。

A: 那太好了。有家庭的纽带很重要。

B: 当然。无论生活有多忙,家庭总是第一位的。


Family is the cornerstone of our lives, providing us with love, support, and a sense of belonging. The bond between family members is often described as unbreakable, signifying the deep emotional connection that transcends time and distance.


From the moment we are born, our parents nurture us with unconditional love, teaching us about the world and guiding us through life's challenges. As we grow, siblings become our companions, sharing joys and sorrows, and creating memories that last a lifetime.


The concept of family extends beyond immediate relatives to include extended family and even chosen family, such as close friends who become like family. These relationships enrich our lives and provide a network of support during difficult times.


In conclusion, the bond of family is a powerful force that shapes our identities and influences our well-being. It is a treasure that we must cherish and nurture, ensuring that it remains strong for generations to come.



❶ 我非常幸运有个幸福的家庭。I'm very lucky to have a happy family.

对话 A: Here is my family photo. I'm very lucky to have a happy family. 这是我的家庭照片。我非常幸运有个幸福的家庭。

B: You do have a sweet family. 你的家庭真的很温馨。

❷ 我非常想念我爸爸。I miss my daddy pretty much.

对话 A: My father has been on a business trip for more than half a year. I miss my daddy pretty much. 我爸爸出差已经半年多了。我非常想念他。

B: When will he come back? 他什么时候能回来?

A: Maybe next month. 或许下个月。

❸ 你长得像你的母亲。You take after your mother.

同类表达 You look like your mother very much. 你长得很像你妈妈。

对话 A: You must be Shirley. You take after your mother. 你一定是雪莉吧,你长得像你的母亲。

B: Nice to meet you, Madam. I'm Shirley. 很高兴见到您,女士。我是雪莉。

❹ 你长这么大了,我都抱不动了。You're getting too big for me to hold in arms.

❺ 我是妈妈的乖儿子。I'm a real mama's boy.

同类表达 I am a real daddy's girl. 我是爸爸的好女儿。

❻ 亲爱的,我真为你骄傲。Honey, I'm proud of you.

对话 A: Daddy, I have good news to announce. I'm now a football player in our school's team. 爸爸,我有好消息要宣布。我现在是校队的足球运动员了。

B: Well done! Honey, I'm proud of you. 做得好!亲爱的,我真为你骄傲。

❼ 我们都是一家人。We are a family.

对话 A: We're a family. Whatever happens, you can count on me. 我们是一家人,不管怎样,都有我能让你依靠。

B: You're right. 你说得对。

❽ 我那么爱你,不想让你受伤害。I love you too much to see you get hurt.

同类表达 I love you and I never ever want to make you feel hurt. 我爱你,我从没打算让你受伤。

❾ 家庭和睦很重要。Domestic peace is very important.

对话 A: Domestic peace is very important. 家庭和睦很重要。

B: Yes, family is our soul harbor. 是的,家是我们心灵的港湾。

❿ 父母是孩子的依靠。Children depend on their parents.