双语启发故事:WEALTHY FATHER 富二代他爸

英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-22  


John Rockefeller was a well-known billionaire in the United States. Although Rockefeller gave away millions, he was very mean to himself.

One day he went to stay at a hotel in New York and asked for the cheapest room they had. He asked, “What is the price of the room?” The manager told him.

“And which floor is it on?” Again the manager told him.

“Is that the lowest-priced room you have? I am staying here by myself and only need a small room.”

The manager said, “That room is the smallest and cheapest we have,” and added, “but why do you choose poor room like that? When your son stays here he always has our most expensive room; yours is our cheapest.”

“Yes,” said Rockefeller, “but his father is a wealthy man; mine isn't.”







give away 赠送

“石油大王”约翰·洛克菲勒(John Rockefeller,1839—1937)毕生致力于慈善。他从少年时期的第一份薪水开始,就固定将其中十分之一捐给教会,直到去世。后来,随着他财富的增加,捐助额度也随着增加,捐助领域主要是教育与医药方面,也涉及科学与艺术。举例来说,教育方面,他提供了8000万美元给芝加哥大学,让当时这个小小的教会学校成为世界级的顶尖大学。他设立的通才教育董事会(General Education Board)推进了南方黑人的教育。医学方面,他成立了洛克菲勒卫生委员会(Rockefeller Sanitary Commission)这一机构,根除了钩虫病这个长年来危害南方地区的疾病。之后,洛克菲勒基金会(the Rockefeller Foundation)继承并扩大卫生委员会的工作,在公共卫生、医疗训练、艺术等领域活跃至今。据统计,洛克菲勒一生总共为慈善事业捐助了约5亿5000万美元。