英语笑话:Adopted by the Boston Red Sox 由波士顿红祙队收养

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-03  

Adopted by the Boston Red Sox

A child custody case was held in court.The judge felt that the mother and father were both fit to be parents and therefore couldn’t decide who he should grant full custody to.So he asked the little boy,“Would you like to live with your mother?”

“No.”said the boy.

“Why not?”said the judge.

“Because she beats me.”

The judge said,“Okay,then you’ll go to live with your father.”

“Oh,no,”cried the boy,“He beats me too.”

Dumbfounded,the judge asked,“Okay,who do you want to live with?”

“I want to live with the Boston Red Sox.”

“Why?”asked the judge.

“They don’t beat anybody.”


1.custody - 监护权

2.court - 法庭

3.judge - 法官

4.fit - 适合的

5.parents - 父母

6.grant - 授予

7.full custody - 完全监护权

8.little boy - 小男孩

9.mother - 母亲

10.father - 父亲

11.beats - 打击,这里指体罚

12.dumbfounded - 惊呆的

13.want - 想要

14.Boston Red Sox - 波士顿红袜队(美国职业棒球队)











