
英语作文    发布时间:2024-09-19  



Boarding - 寄宿

Dormitory - 宿舍

Host family - 寄宿家庭

Meal plan - 餐饮计划

Study support - 学习支持

Independence - 独立性

Extracurricular activities - 课外活动

Community - 社区

Roommate - 室友

Cultural exchange - 文化交流


Attending a boarding school has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed into a diverse community of students from different backgrounds. Living away from home taught me independence and responsibility. I learned to manage my time, balance studies and extracurricular activities, and take care of myself.

One of the highlights of boarding school is the close-knit environment. I formed lasting friendships with my roommates and classmates, bonding over late-night study sessions and shared meals in the dining hall. We participated in various activities, such as sports, music, and cultural events, which enriched our school life.

Moreover, the educational support provided by the teachers was invaluable. They were always available for help, whether it was during office hours or in the dormitory. This level of accessibility encouraged me to ask questions and seek guidance, ultimately enhancing my academic performance.

Overall, my boarding school experience has equipped me with essential life skills and unforgettable memories. It has shaped who I am today, instilling in me a sense of community, resilience, and a passion for learning. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to applying what I have learned in the future.






❶ 您是史密斯先生吗?Are you Mr. Smith?

同类表达 You must be Mr. Smith. 您一定是史密斯先生吧。

It's good to finally meet you. 终于见到你了,真好。

❷ 谢谢你能来。Thank you for coming.

同类表达 Thank you for picking me up. 谢谢你来接我。

❸ 我很累,但是很兴奋。I'm tired but very excited.

同类表达 I'm really happy to be here! 真高兴能来到这里!

❹ 我在飞机上一路都很顺利。I had a smooth flight.

同类表达 I had a bumpy flight. 我飞来的这趟旅途很颠簸。

对话 A: How was your flight? 你的飞行如何?

B: I had a smooth flight. 我在飞机上一路都很顺利。

❺ 我来自我介绍一下。Let me introduce myself.

同类表达 My name is Wang Fang. 我叫王芳。

Please call me Nancy. 叫我南希就行了。

❻ 能再告诉我一遍您的名字吗?May I have your name again?

同类表达 What should I call you? 我该怎么称呼您呢?

Excuse me, I didn't catch your name. 很抱歉,我没听清楚你的名字。

❼ 你的房子好漂亮。You have a beautiful house.

对话 A: Wow, you have a beautiful house. 哇,你的房子好漂亮。

B: I'm glad you like it. 很高兴你喜欢它。

❽ 谢谢你们的招待。Thanks for having me.

同类表达 I'm looking forward to my stay. 我很期待在这里的生活。

❾ 对不起,打扰了。Sorry to interrupt.

对话 A: Sorry to interrupt. I hope we will get along with each other well. 对不起,打扰了。希望我们会相处愉快。

B: You're welcome. 你太客气了。

❿ 有没有什么规矩我应该知道的?Are there any rules I should know of?

同类表达 Are there any other rules? 还有其他规矩吗?

Any rules? 有什么规矩吗?