英语笑话:An APB on God 上帝丢了

英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-23  

An APB on God

A couple had two little boys,aged eight and ten,who were excessively mischievous.

The two were always getting into trouble and their parents could be confident that if any mischief occurred in their town,their two young sons were involved in some capacity.The parents were at their wit’s end as to what to do about their sons’behavior.

The parents had heard that a clergyman in town had been successful in disciplining children in the past,so they contacted him,and he agreed to give it his best shot.He asked to see the boys individually,so the eight-yearold was sent to meet with him first.The clergyman sat the boy down and asked him sternly,“Where is God?”

The boy made no response,so the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone,“Where is God?”

Again the boy made no attempt to answer,so the clergyman raised his voice even more and shook his finger in the boy’s face,“WHERE IS GOD?”At that,the boy bolted from the room,ran directly home,and slammed himself in his closet.His older brother followed him into the closet and said,“What happened?”

The younger brother replied,“We are in BIG trouble this time.God is missing and they think we did it!”


couple - 一对,通常指夫妻或伴侣。

little boys - 小男孩,指年龄较小的男性儿童。

aged - 年龄是...的,用来描述人或物的年龄。

excessively - 过度地,非常地。

mischievous - 淘气的,指行为顽皮或喜欢恶作剧。

trouble - 麻烦,问题,或困难。

parents - 父母,指孩子的亲生或法定监护人。

mischief - 恶作剧,指淘气或有害的行为。

capacity - 能力,容量,或角色。

wit’s end - 智穷力竭,形容非常困惑或无助。

clergyman - 牧师,指宗教领袖或神职人员。

disciplining - 纪律训练,指对某人进行管教或惩罚。

contacted - 联系,指与某人建立沟通。

individually - 个别地,单独地。

sternly - 严厉地,形容以严厉的态度说话或行动。

response - 回答,回应。

repeated - 重复,指再次说或做某事。

tone - 语气,声音的调子或情感色彩。

voice - 声音,指说话或发出声音的能力。

bolted - 冲出,指快速逃离。

ran directly home - 直接跑回家,形容直接朝家的方向跑去。

slammed - 砰地关上,指用力关闭门或盖子。

closet - 壁橱,指存放衣物的小房间或柜子。

older brother - 哥哥,指家中年长的兄弟。

younger brother - 弟弟,指家中年幼的兄弟。

BIG trouble - 大麻烦,形容非常严重的问题或困境。






