
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-28  



disdain - 鄙视,轻蔑

contempt - 轻视,蔑视

scorn - 嘲笑,鄙视

indifference - 冷漠,不关心

arrogance - 傲慢

haughtiness - 高傲

snobbery - 势利,自大

to look down on - 看不起

to turn one's nose up at - 鄙视,嗤之以鼻

to be above something - 认为某事不值一提

to dismiss with a sneer - 嗤之以鼻地驳斥

to show contempt for - 对...表示轻视

to be disdainful of - 对...不屑一顾


She dismissed the criticism with a disdainful smile. - 她带着轻蔑的微笑对批评不予理会。

His haughtiness was evident when he turned his nose up at the offer. - 当他对提议嗤之以鼻时,他的高傲显而易见。

Many people look down on reality TV shows, considering them to be of low cultural value. - 许多人看不起真人秀节目,认为它们的文化价值很低。

It's important to be discerning, but being disdainful of others' interests can be off-putting. - 有辨识力很重要,但对他人兴趣的不屑可能会让人感到不悦。

The disdain in her voice was palpable when she spoke about the superficial trends. - 当她谈论那些肤浅的趋势时,她声音中的不屑是显而易见的。


Disdain is a powerful emotion that can significantly impact one's social interactions and personal growth. It often stems from a sense of superiority or a strong belief in one's own values and judgments. While it's crucial to have standards and to stand by one's principles, an attitude of disdain can create barriers that prevent us from understanding and connecting with others. 不屑是一种强大的情感,它可以显著影响一个人的社交互动和个人成长。它通常源于优越感或对自己价值观和判断的坚定信念。虽然拥有标准并坚持原则很重要,但不屑的态度可能会造成障碍,阻碍我们理解和与他人建立联系。

In a diverse society, it's essential to recognize and appreciate the variety of perspectives and experiences that people bring. Disdain can blind us to the worth and potential of those who are different from us, leading to a loss of opportunities for learning and collaboration. 在多元化的社会中,认识到并欣赏人们带来的各种观点和经验至关重要。不屑可能会使我们对与我们不同的人的价值和潜力视而不见,导致失去学习和合作的机会。

Moreover, disdain can be a reflection of our own insecurities and fears. By dismissing others, we may be protecting ourselves from confronting our vulnerabilities. However, embracing humility and openness can lead to greater self-awareness and personal development. 此外,不屑可能是我们自己不安全感和恐惧的反映。通过排斥他人,我们可能在保护自己不面对自己的脆弱之处。然而,拥抱谦逊和开放可以带来更大的自我意识和个人发展。

In conclusion, while it's important to maintain our integrity and discernment, we should be cautious not to let disdain dictate our attitudes and behaviors. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive and empathetic society where everyone's contributions are valued and respected. 总之,虽然保持我们的正直和辨识力很重要,但我们应谨慎不让不屑主导我们的态度和行为。这样做,我们可以促进一个更包容、更有同理心的社会,在这样的社会中,每个人的贡献都受到珍视和尊重。


❶ 那又怎么样呢?So what?

同类表达 What of it?

对话 A: He is a rich man. 他是个有钱人。

B: So what? 那又怎么样呢?

❷ 谁会在乎?Who cares?

对话 A: Have you heard a singer is coming to town? 你听没听说有个歌星要来这里?

B: Who cares? 谁会在乎?

❸ 你随便吧。Suit yourself.

同类表达 Do as you want.

对话 A: I want to buy the car. I really like it. 我想买这辆车,我真的很喜欢它。

B: Too expensive. But suit yourself. 太贵了,不过你随便吧。

❹ 得了吧!Get over yourself!

对话 A: I will win the first place in the one-hundred-dash race. 我会在一百米短跑中拿冠军。

B: Get over yourself! 得了吧。

❺ 你以为你是谁呀?Who the heck do you think you are?

同类表达 You are nothing to me. 你对我来说什么都不是。

❻ 没什么了不起的。It's nothing special.

同类表达 It's not a big deal.

对话 A: So how's the dinner last night? 昨天的晚宴怎么样?

B: It's nothing special. Just a plain dinner. 没什么了不起的,就是顿普通的晚餐。

❼ 他来不来跟我没关系。It doesn't matter to me whether he will come or not.

对话 A: Danny isn't going to make it. 丹尼来不了了。

B: It doesn't matter to me whether he will come or not. 他来不来跟我没关系。

❽ 没他我们也可以。We can do it without him.

对话 A: Jack called; he isn't coming to the meeting. 杰克打过电话,他不来参加会议了。

B: We can do it without him. 没他我们也可以。

❾ 随你怎么想,我无所谓。Whatever you think is fine with me.

对话 A: I'm sorry, but I won't change my mind. 抱歉,我不会改变主意的。

B: Whatever you think is fine with me. 随你怎么想,我无所谓。

❿ 我不管她怎么想。I don't care what she may think.