
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-17  



1. Safety - 安全

2. Security - 保障

3. Protection - 保护

4. Precaution - 预防措施

5. Hazard - 危险

6. Risk - 风险

7. Emergency - 紧急情况

8. Caution - 警告

9. Alert - 警觉

10. Danger - 危险

11. Accident - 事故

12. First Aid - 急救

13. Evacuation - 疏散

14. Fire Safety - 消防安全

15. Safety measures - 安全措施

16. Safety equipment - 安全设备

17. Safety procedures - 安全程序

18. Safety regulations - 安全规定

19. Be aware - 注意

20. Stay safe - 保持安全


❶ 安装防盗门是必要的。Installing a security door is necessary.

同类表达 It's necessary to install a security door. 安装防盗门是必要的。

Installing anti-theft lock is necessary. 安装防盗锁是必要的。

❷ 出门时要记得锁好门。Remember to lock the doors when you leave the house.

同类表达 Don't forget to lock up the doors and windows when you leave the house. 出门时别忘了关好门窗。

❸ 孩子们玩火柴是很危险的。It's dangerous for children to play with matches.

同类表达 It's dangerous to leave kids alone at home. 让孩子单独在家很危险。

❹ 家用电器不用的时候要拔掉插头。Unplug the electronic appliances when not in use.

同类表达 Unplug the household appliances that are not being used to save money and energy. 拔掉没有使用的家用电器的插头,以节约钱和能源。

❺ 在电线和接合处裹上绝缘胶布,以防漏电。Using insulating tape on electric wires and splices in case of electric leakage.

对话 A: Is there anything I need to pay particular attention to? 有什么事情需要我特别注意的吗?

B: Using insulating tape on electric wires and splices in case of electric leakage.在电线和接合处裹上绝缘胶布,以防漏电。

❻ 确保燃气开关是关着的。Make sure the gas switch is off.

同类表达 Make sure the electric brakes are off when you leave for a long time. 长时间外出的话,确保关掉电闸。

❼ 我绝不在家里存放易燃易爆物了。I'll never keep inflammable and explosive items in the house.

❽ 水龙头坏了,我关不上。The faucet is broken, and I can't turn it off.

同类表达 The water faucet is dripping badly! 水龙头漏得很厉害!

❾ 着火时要立即拨火警电话。When there is a fire, call the fire department right away.

同类表达 I want to report a fire. 我要报告一宗火灾。

Listen! It's the fire alarm. 听,是火警的声音。

❿ 灭火器在哪里?Where is the fire extinguisher?

同类表达 I see smoke. Get the fire extinguisher. 我看见烟了,快去拿灭火器。

对话 A: Where is the fire extinguisher? 灭火器在哪里?

B: It is on the wall next to the staircase. 它在楼梯间旁边的墙上。



A: Have you heard about the recent robbery in our neighborhood?

B: Yes, it's really concerning. We should take some safety precautions.

A: Absolutely. We should install security cameras and alarm systems in our homes.

B: And let's also make sure to lock our doors and windows at all times.

A: Good idea. Safety should always be our top priority.

A: 你听说我们附近最近的抢劫案了吗?

B: 是的,真的令人担忧。我们应该采取一些安全预防措施。

A: 绝对的。我们应该在家里安装安全摄像头和警报系统。

B: 还有,我们也要确保随时锁好门窗。

A: 好主意。安全应该始终是我们的首要任务。


A: Excuse me, is this area safe for walking at night?

B: Yes, generally it's safe, but it's always better to be cautious.

A: Are there any well-lit streets or areas I should avoid?

B: It's better to stick to well-populated areas and avoid dimly lit streets.

A: Thank you for the advice. I'll make sure to stay alert and aware of my surroundings.

A: 打扰一下,这个地区晚上行走安全吗?

B: 是的,一般来说是安全的,但是最好保持警惕。

A: 有没有一些照明良好的街道或区域我应该避开?

B: 最好待在人流较多的地方,避免走暗淡的街道。

A: 谢谢你的建议。我会保持警觉,注意周围的环境。


A: I just witnessed a car accident on my way to school today.

B: Oh no, are you okay? Did you call for help?

A: I'm fine. I immediately called the emergency hotline and reported the accident.

B: That's great. Did anyone get hurt?

A: Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, but both cars were badly damaged.

B: It's a reminder for everyone to follow traffic rules and stay vigilant.

A: 我今天上学的路上目击了一起车祸。

B: 哦不,你没事吧?你打电话求助了吗?

A: 我没事。我立刻拨打了紧急热线并报告了事故。

B: 太好了。有人受伤吗?

A: 幸运的是,没有人受重伤,但是两辆车都严重损坏了。

B: 这提醒大家遵守交通规则,保持警惕。