
英语作文    发布时间:2024-01-17  



Angry - 生气的

Furious - 狂怒的

Enraged - 暴怒的

Irritated - 恼怒的

Annoyed - 烦恼的

Aggravated - 激怒的

Outraged - 愤慨的

Resentful - 怨恨的

Fuming - 怒气冲冲的

Temper - 脾气

Wrath - 愤怒

Rage - 暴怒

Flare up - 突然发怒

Blow up - 大发脾气

Lose one's temper - 发火

Fly off the handle - 突然大发雷霆

Get hot under the collar - 变得非常生气

Hit the roof - 勃然大怒

See red - 怒不可遏

Throw a tantrum - 发脾气


Person A: I can't believe he didn't even apologize! I'm so furious!

A: 我简直不敢相信他连道歉都没有!我太生气了!

Person B: Try to calm down. It's not worth getting this upset over.

B: 试着冷静下来。不值得为这个这么生气。

Person A: I'm just so irritated by his constant interruptions.

A: 我就是被他不断的打断弄得很烦。

Person B: Maybe you should talk to him about it. Communication can help resolve conflicts.

B: 或许你应该和他谈谈。沟通可以帮助解决冲突。

Person A: I'm at my wit's end with this project. I feel like I'm going to explode!

A: 这个项目让我快要疯了。我感觉我快要爆发了!

Person B: Take a break. Sometimes stepping away can give you a fresh perspective.

B: 休息一下。有时候暂时离开可以让你有新的视角。


The Consequences of Anger 《愤怒的后果》

Anger is a powerful emotion that can cloud our judgment and lead to regrettable actions. When we allow ourselves to be consumed by rage, we often act impulsively, which can have severe consequences on our relationships and personal well-being.

One day, after a long and tiring day at work, I found myself in a heated argument with a colleague over a trivial matter. My anger flared up, and I said things I didn't mean, causing a rift between us. It took weeks of apologies and efforts to mend our professional relationship.

This experience taught me the importance of managing my emotions. I learned that taking a step back and counting to ten can prevent a small disagreement from escalating into a major conflict. It also made me realize the value of empathy and understanding in maintaining harmonious relationships.

From then on, I made a conscious effort to control my temper and approach disagreements with a calm and open mind. This change not only improved my work environment but also helped me grow as a person, teaching me that patience and kindness are often more effective than anger.







❶ 你能不能讲讲道理?Could you please be reasonable?

对话 A: You are close with him these days. You'd better confess that. 我发现你最近和他走得很近。你最好坦白你们的关系。

B: Could you please be reasonable? He is just one of my co-workers. 你能不能讲讲道理?他只是我的同事。

❷ 你究竟想怎么样?What do you want?

对话 A: What do you want? 你究竟想怎么样?

B: Well, you just know nothing about me. 好吧,你根本就不了解我。

❸ 你为什么冲我发火?Why are you angry at me?

对话 A: Why are you angry at me? 你为什么冲我发火?

B: I have called your name for three times and you pretended not to hear it. 我喊你三遍了,而你都假装没有听见。

❹ 你到底在想什么呢? What's the big idea?

同类表达 What on earth do you think about?

❺ 别再辩解了! No more excuses!

同类表达 Don't make any excuses!

Don't look for excuses.

❻ 你少命令我! Don't tell me what to do!

对话 A: You don't need to buy that. 你没必要买那个。

B: Hey, don't tell me what to do! It's my money. 喂,你少命令我!这是我自己的钱。

❼ 你气死我了! I'm mad at you!

同类表达 You're getting on my nerves.

You're really irritating me.

❽ 我再也没耐心了。 I've run out of patience.

对话 A: Calm down. 冷静点儿。

B: I can't. I've run out of patience. 我做不到,我再也没耐心了。

❾ 你简直无可救药! You're impossible!

对话 A: I can't take it anymore. You're impossible! 我受不了了。你简直无可救药!

B: If you think so, we can get a divorce. 如果你真的这么想,那我们可以离婚。

❿ 我不想再听你的辩解了。I've heard enough of your excuses.

同类表达 I don't want to hear any excuses. 我不想听你解释。

Don't give me any lip service! 别给我开空头支票!