
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-18  



Arrive: 到达,抵达。

Reach: 达到,抵达。

Land: (飞机)着陆,(船只)靠岸。

Touch down: (飞机)着陆。

Pull in: (火车、巴士等)进站。

Get to: 到达。

Make it to: 成功抵达。

Approach: 接近,临近。

Enter: 进入。

Alight: 下车,下船。


The moment of arrival is always filled with a mix of emotions. Anticipation, relief, excitement, and sometimes even a hint of sadness for the journey that has come to an end. As I stepped off the train, the crisp morning air filled my lungs, and I felt a sense of accomplishment wash over me. The journey had been long and tiring, but the sight of the familiar cityscape made every minute worthwhile.

The platform was bustling with people, each with their own stories and destinations. I weaved my way through the crowd, my bag slung over my shoulder, feeling the weight of the experiences I had gathered along the way. The city seemed to welcome me back with open arms, its familiar sounds and smells enveloping me in a warm embrace.

As I made my way through the streets, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led me here. Each step, each decision, had brought me to this very point in time. And now, as I stood at the threshold of new possibilities, I was ready to embrace whatever came next.





❶ 请问如何填写这份表格?How do I fill out this form?

同类表达 Can you tell me how to fill out this disembarkation card? 你能告诉我怎么填写这张入境卡吗?

I've no idea what's the meaning of this form. Could you help me out? 我完全不知道这表格说的是什么,你能帮帮我吗?

❷ 我们得在下飞机之前填好这些海关申请表格。We have to fill out these customs declaration forms before getting off the plane.

同类表达 May I have another entry card? I've made some mistakes. 我可以再要一张入境卡吗?我有些地方写错了。

❸ 现在是当地时间几点?What is the local time now?

这样回答 The local time is 9:45 p.m.. 当地时间晚上9点45分。

The ground temperature is 25 degrees Centigrade, or 77 degrees Fahrenheit. 地面温度25摄氏度,77华氏度。

❹ 广播说我们即将到达目的地了。It is reported that we're reaching the destination.

❺ 女士们先生们,我们即将降落在伦敦。Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to begin our descent into London.

同类表达 We will be landing at Bangkok International Airport in thirty minutes. 本班机将在30分钟之后降落在曼谷国际机场。

❻ 现在可以解开安全带了吗?Can I take off my seat belt?

对话 A: Can I take off my seatbelt? 现在可以解开安全带了吗?

B: No, sir. 还不行,先生。

❼ 请将您的托盘和座椅恢复原位置。Please return your tray and seat back to the upright position.

同类表达 Let us remind you to fasten your seat belts, straighten your seats. 在此提醒您系好安全带,竖起椅背。

❽ 飞机完全停止以前请勿离座。Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop.

❾ 谢谢您乘坐美国航空公司的航班。Thank you for flying American Airlines.

同类表达 Captain Tony and all the members of this crew thank you for flying with us. 机长托尼与所有机组人员感谢各位旅客搭乘本班机。

❿ 希望各位旅客享受这次的飞行。We hope you enjoyed your flight.

同类表达 We hope you're satisfied with our service. 希望各位旅客满意我们的服务。