“swear at”不是“对……发誓”

所属栏目:每日翻译    发布时间:2023-03-29       浏览:1574

Jude swore at him. 【误译】祖德对他发誓。 【正确】祖德骂他。 说明:swear at 意为“骂”、“谩骂”。swear by 才是“对……发誓”。 "Swear at" 通常指辱骂或冒犯某人,而不是对某事发誓。具体解释和应用如下: 1. 表示当一个人出现极端情绪时,用粗口、咒骂等方式攻击另一个人。例如:“He swore at the umpire when he disagreed with the call.”(当他不同意裁判的判决时,他开始对裁判进行咒骂。) 2. 表示用词汇或语言攻击某个人或群体,包括侮辱、恶意评论和挑衅等。例如:“The politician was criticized for swearing at reporters during a press conference.”(这位政治家因在新闻发布会上说粗口侮辱记者而受到批评。) 3. "swear at" 还可以表示在感到愤怒或失望时大声抱怨或喊叫。例如:“When she found out her flight had been delayed, she started swearing at no one in particular.”(当她得知航班被延误时,她开始对着空气大声抱怨。) 4. 可以用于幽默或戏谑地表达不满或抱怨。例如:“I swear at my computer every time it crashes on me.”(每当我的电脑死机时,我就开玩笑地数落它一番。)