“on the wrong side of...”不是“在错误的一边”

所属栏目:每日翻译    发布时间:2022-08-26       浏览:1337

Ford is on the wrong side of 66. 【误译】福特的年龄倒过来看是66岁(实际是99岁)。 【正确】福特已过了66岁。 说明:on the wrong / far side of...是习语,意为“已过……岁”,与on the right side of 相对。 "on the wrong side of" 的几种常见的用法: 1. "On the wrong side of the law" 指某人违法犯罪或违反法律规定,在法律上处于不利的地位。 例句:He was caught stealing and now he's on the wrong side of the law. 2. "On the wrong side of history" 指某人或某事的行为被认为是错误的,而且在历史的长河中会被证明是错误的。 例句:The dictator's actions will eventually leave him on the wrong side of history. 3. "On the wrong side of the tracks" 指某人或某地区社会地位低下、贫穷、犯罪率高等不利因素困扰,从而处于不利地位。 例句:She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but she worked hard and eventually became successful. 4. "Get on the wrong side of someone" 意思是惹恼或惹怒某人。 例句:You don't want to get on the wrong side of your boss.