

birth 变化形式
复数: births
易混淆的单词: Birth
birth 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The birth had been accidental .
- 它的诞生纯属偶然。
- Views on home birth vary widely between countries .
- 各国间关于在家分娩的观点也很不同。
- Mothers can infect babies at birth .
- 孕妇分娩时也可能感染婴儿。
- The average birth rate stands at 1.54 children per woman .
- 每名妇女平均生育率为1.54个孩子。
- A certain continuity in despair can give birth to joy .
- 绝望的一种特定的延续可以诞生欢乐。
- The idea that birth can be orgasmic isn 't new .
- 生育能致高潮的这个想法其实并不新。
- Just after giving birth without painkillers .
- 没用止痛药生完孩子之后。
- Chance encounters and good ideas explain the birth of most successful companies .
- 机遇加上好的点子诠释了大部分成功公司的诞生。
- She changed doctors and gave birth to grady in february 2010 .
- 她说服医生,于2010年2月生下grady。
- After 60 days of pregnancy , she gave birth to tegon .
- 经过60天怀孕之期后,它生下tegon。