
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-14  



Agenda: 议程。

Meeting: 会议。

Schedule: 时间表,安排。

Topic: 主题,议题。

Objective: 目标,目的。

Time management: 时间管理。

Minutes: 会议记录。

Prioritize: 优先排序。

议程安排: Agenda setting。

议程项目: Agenda item。

英语作文:Agenda Essay

An agenda is a vital tool for organizing and conducting meetings efficiently. It outlines the topics to be discussed, the order in which they will be addressed, and the time allocated for each. A well-structured agenda ensures that all participants are aware of the meeting's objectives and can prepare accordingly.

In a typical business meeting, the agenda might include items such as the approval of previous meeting minutes, reports from department heads, discussion of current issues, and planning for future projects. The agenda is usually distributed to participants before the meeting, allowing them to review the topics and gather any necessary information or materials.

An effective agenda also helps in managing time effectively, keeping the meeting on track, and ensuring that all important points are covered. It is a fundamental part of meeting etiquette and a sign of good preparation and professionalism.





❶ 在会议前先把议程发下去。Hand out the agenda before the meeting.

同类表达 We'll consider the details later. 待会儿我们再考虑细节。

❷ 我们今天有三个议题。We have three items on the agenda today.

同类表达 We'll consider the details later. 稍后我们讨论细节。

❸ 我们今天在此要讨论的是是否应该继续执行这个计划。We are here today to discuss whether we should continue with this plan.

同类表达 Our subject today is the research report. 我们今天的主题是调研报告。

❹ 今天我们需要讨论这些议题。There are a couple of issues we need to work on today.

同类表达 Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues. 我来说一下今天的主要议题。

❺ 每个人都有议程表吗?Does everybody have an agenda?

同类表达 I believe that each of you has a copy of the agenda. 你们各位应该都拿到议程的复印件了吧。

❻ 我们今天的主要目的是讨论如何提高销量。Our main aim today is to discuss how to increase sales.

❼ 人员调整是这次会议的首要议题。Personnel adjustment is the dominant theme of the conference.

同类表达 The main business of this meeting is the personnel adjustment. 这次会议的主要议题是人员调整。

❽ 今天的会议将持续120分钟。Today's meeting will last 120 minutes.

同类表达 We'll take a ten-minute break at three o'clock according to the agenda. 根据议程安排,我们会在三点时休息十分钟。

❾ 今天我想讨论一下我们的工作。Today I want to talk about our work.

同类表达 We'll talk about the financial report for the first quarter. 我们要讨论一下第一季度的财务报告。

❿ 首先,咱们迅速浏览一下上次会议的记录。First, let's quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.