
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-04  



1. Blind date - 盲约,指双方在见面之前互不了解的约会,通常由朋友、家人或约会服务安排。

"I'm going on a blind date tonight."(我今晚要去相亲。)

2. Nearsighted date - 近视相亲,指在见面之前已经通过照片或网络聊天了解过对方的相亲。

"Our nearsighted date went well, we decided to meet again."(我们的近视相亲进行得很顺利,我们决定再见面。)

3. Matchmaker - 媒人,帮助安排相亲的人。

"My aunt is a great matchmaker; she set me up on a blind date."(我阿姨是个很棒的媒人;她给我安排了一次盲约。)

4. Set up - 安排,通常指安排相亲。

"My friends set me up on a date with someone they think I'll like."(我的朋友们给我安排了一个他们认为我会喜欢的人的约会。)

5. First impression - 第一印象,相亲时非常重要的概念。

"I want to make a good first impression on my blind date."(我想在相亲时给对方留下好印象。)


A: "Are you nervous about your blind date tonight?"


B: "A little, but I'm trying to stay positive. I've heard she's really nice."


A: "That's good to hear. What are you planning to talk about?"


B: "I think I'll ask about her hobbies and interests. It's always a safe topic."


A: "True, and don't forget to be yourself. Good luck!"



A Blind Date Experience

Last weekend, I had my first blind date, arranged by my best friend. I was both excited and nervous about meeting someone new without knowing anything about them. We agreed to meet at a cozy coffee shop downtown.

When I arrived, I spotted a woman sitting alone, looking at her phone. I approached her, and we exchanged a shy smile. It turned out she was my date, and we quickly found ourselves engaged in a lively conversation. We talked about our favorite movies, shared stories from our childhood, and even discovered we had a mutual friend.

The date went so smoothly that we lost track of time. By the end of the evening, we both agreed that we should see each other again. This blind date experience taught me that sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected and wonderful connections.






❶ 很多人都不得不选择相亲。Many people have to choose blind dates.

对话 A: People are too busy nowadays. 现在的人们都太忙碌了。

B: Yes, they have to choose blind dates. 是的,他们不得不选择相亲。

❷ 你接受相亲吗?Do you accept a blind date?

同类表达 What do you think about blind dates? 你怎么看待相亲?

Are you OK with friends setting up a blind date for you? 朋友为你安排相亲你接受吗?

❸ 相亲让我感觉很糟。It makes me feel bad about myself to have blind dates.

对话 A: Why don't you go to the blind date I set you up with? 你为什么不去我给你安排好的相亲呢?

B: It makes me feel bad about myself to have blind dates. I can't take it. 相亲让我感觉很糟,我接受不了。

❹ 我相亲很多次了。I had blind dates many times.

对话 A: I had blind dates many times, but I haven't met my Mr. Right. 我相亲很多次了,一直没有遇到喜欢的人。

B: Take your time. You'll find the right man. 慢慢来,你会遇到对的人。

❺ 明天我要去相亲,但是不知道穿什么好。I have a blind date tomorrow, but I don't know what to wear.

同类表达 I have to go shopping for a new dress. I've got a blind date tomorrow. 我得上街买条新裙子,我明天要去相亲。

❻ 你是想让我当媒人,不是吗?You want me to play the matchmaker, don't you?

❼ 不要从外表去判断一个人。Don't judge a person by his looks.

同类表达 Just as the saying goes, don't judge a book by its cover. 俗话说得好,人不可貌相。

❽ 他很挑。He is aiming too high.

对话 A: Is he still single now? 他现在还单身吗?

B: Yes, he is aiming too high. 是的,他很挑剔。

❾ 我和我女朋友是一个朋友介绍认识的。My girlfriend and I got hooked up through a friend.

❿ 有些人经相亲结婚后也会爱上彼此。Some arranged couples end up falling in love.