
英语作文    发布时间:2023-04-14  



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on life choices by referring to the remark “Life is all about choices. How many people are trapped in their everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent? To have a better life we must keep choosing how we're living .” You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to make better choices in life . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


1. 导语解读:要求考生就题目中给定的话语“生活处处是选择。很多人陷入日常的生活习惯中:些许麻木,些许害怕,些许漠然。为了拥有更好的生活,我们必须不断选择如何生活。”进行简评,引出“生活的选择”这一话题并进行论述。

2. 文章立意:生活中充满选择,你可以选择整日碌碌无为,浑然度日,但生活的平淡注定你一事无成;你也可以选择奋发有为,积极上进,虽遭失败仍然一往无前最终取得巨大的成功。因此,我们要选择后者。


1. 第一段简述题目中引语的含义,然后提出论点:如何生活完全取决于自己的选择。

2. 第二段阐述选择消极的生活方式只会让人一事无成,空留余恨。

3. 第三段论述如何正确选择生活。


“Life is all about choices. How many people are trapped in their everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent? To have a better life we must keep choosing how we're living.” The remark means that it's up to you to choose how you're living. 1

It's absolutely true that life is all about choices. 2 You can choose a mediocre life. But unfortunately, a mediocre life leaves you trapped in everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent and you spend vainly the best days of your life achieving little. When you realize you should seize the day, it may come too late and leave regret. 3

As we all know, life is most precious to us and everyone lives only once. What will we do to make better choices in life? As far as I'm concerned, attitude is everything. Therefore, choose a positive attitude towards life, with which we don't waste our youth in worthless pursuits. We will not regret if we don't waste our life. 4





1. 开篇简述给定话语的含义,结合话语含义给出文章论点:如何生活完全取决于自己的选择。

2. 自然过渡,第二段引出生活充满选择,紧扣作文话题。

3. 第二段主体部分用反面论证的方式阐述选择碌碌无为的生活只会给人留下悔恨。

4. 末段按照题目要求就如何选择更好的生活给出了自己的看法并进行论述。


be trapped in 陷入困境

indifferent adj. 漠不关心的

be up to sb. 取决于某人

mediocre adj. 普通的;平凡的

spend vainly the best of one's days 白白浪费大好时光

worthless pursuits 无用的追求


1. It's absolutely true that life is all about choices.

It's absolutely true that...意为“毫无疑问……”,是引出观点的句式。

2. But unfortunately, a mediocre life leaves you trapped in everyday habits: part numb, part frightened, part indifferent and you spend vainly the best of your days achieving little.

这里运用了leave sb. done的结构,这种结构的使用使句子含义的表达更加紧凑。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on venture by commenting on the saying, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained .” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


1. 导语解读:要求考生从评论“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”入手,就冒险这一话题展开论述。

2. 文章立意:作为年轻人,应该朝气蓬勃,勇猛果敢而不是怯懦退缩,勇于冒险而不是贪图安逸。作为大学生,要敢于尝试并挑战新鲜事物,参与冒险活动。


1. 第一段简要描述引语,然后提出论点:如果没有冒险精神,一辈子就会一事无成。

2. 第二段通过举例的方式阐述参与冒险活动的好处:培养人们的勇气和意志力等。

3. 第三段呼应前文,再次强调培养冒险精神的重要性。


A famous saying goes like this: “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”, which means we can gain nothing if we venture nothing. It shows that the adventurous spirit is an essential quality for people to achieve success. A person who never takes any risk or tries new things will never make any progress. 1

Nowadays, there are more and more adventures like bungee jumping and rock climbing, which enjoy great popularity especially among the youth. 2 Some people argue that such activities are too risky so they never venture to try, while 3 others insist that these activities do more good than harm and should be encouraged. As for me, I agree with the latter. In my opinion 4 , people can develop courage and willpower by embarking on adventures. If a person is afraid of risks or new things, he will never experience the joy of life or make any progress. If the leaders of a country are fearful of taking risks, the country will cease to advance.

In conclusion 5 , adventures bring us many rewarding benefits. As long as we take everything into consideration and make full preparation before taking risks, we can minimize the dangers and maximize the benefits.





1. 开篇简要说明谚语的含义及寓意。

2. 自然过渡,说明当今社会不乏冒险活动,并指出很多年轻人很喜欢这些冒险。

3. 采用对比论证的方法,引出人们对冒险的不同看法,紧扣作文话题。

4. 第二段后半部分明确表达自己的观点:参加冒险活动利大于弊。

5. 末段总结全文,重申观点,并指出我们应对冒险做好充分的准备。


venture v. 冒险

essential adj. 基本的,必要的

adventure n. 冒险,冒险活动

bungee jumping 蹦极

popularity n. 流行

willpower n. 意志力,毅力

rewarding adj. 有益的

minimize v. 减到最小

maximize v. 使……最大化


1. Some people argue that such activities are too risky so they never venture to try, while others insist that these activities do more good than harm and should be encouraged.


2. As long as we take everything into consideration and make full preparation before taking risks, we can minimize the dangers and maximize the benefits.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on trust by commenting on the remark, “We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect .” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


1. 导语解读:要求考生根据引语的内容就“信任”这一话题进行阐述,并提出自己的观点。

2. 文章立意:信任是人们之间真诚交流的基础,对维系人们之间真正的感情非常重要、不可或缺。信任也是构建和谐社会的重要因素。因此,人们彼此之间要相互信任。


1. 第一段引入引语并解释其内涵。

2. 第二段从人际交往方面阐述信任的重要性。

3. 第三段从构建和谐社会的角度阐述信任的重要性。


“We are always paid for our suspicion by finding what we suspect.” 1 The remark, which reveals the great harm suspicion does, stresses the importance of trust. 2

I agree that trust is indispensable to maintaining genuine relationships among people. 3 Everyone in the world cannot live without interacting with other people. Otherwise, life would be dull and meaningless. Trust is the basic foundation for people to communicate with each other. Without trust, we cannot get along well with others, let alone cooperate with them.

In addition, I maintain that trust is also essential to our country's efforts to build a harmonious society. 4 Our country is dedicated to building a world full of honesty, friendship, and justice, where people are able to engage in fair and open competition. Harmonious society calls for trust and honesty as well as the strong power to eradicate the crisis of confidence partly resulting from the dishonesty of some manufacturers and businessmen who make or sell shoddy goods in pursuit of profit. In the long run, they will lose potential customers and even cause their companies to shut down. They pose a great threat to the building of a harmonious society.





1. 开篇引用引语,意在引出话题。

2. 准确阐释引语含义,意在引出中心思想。

3. 阐述关于信任的第一个观点:信任对于维系人们之间真正的感情不可或缺。

4. 阐述关于信任的第二个观点:信任对于构建和谐社会必不可少。


suspicion n. 怀疑;嫌疑

suspect v. 怀疑;猜想

be indispensable to 对……不可或缺

genuine relationship 真正的关系

dull adj. 乏味的,无趣的

let alone 更不必说

be dedicated to doing sth. 致力于做某事

harmonious society 和谐社会

call for 要求,需要

crisis of confidence 信任危机

in the long run 从长远来看

pose a great threat to 对……构成很大威胁


1. In addition, I maintain that trust is also essential to our country's efforts to build a harmonious society.

此句中,I maintain that...意为“我认为……”,类似的句式还有:I hold that..., I assume that...等。

2. In the long run, they will lose potential customers and even cause their companies to shut down.

此句中in the long run表示“从长远来看”,是逻辑性修饰语,使得观点的表述具有更强的逻辑性。cause sb. to do sth.意为“导致某人做某事”,应多积累相关表达方式。



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow .” You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you will do to make your past, present and future days trustworthy . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


1. 导语解读:要求考生就题目中给定的话语“借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天”进行简评,引出“如何把握自己的过去、现在和将来”这一话题并进行论述。

2. 文章立意:我们的一生浓缩为昨天、今天和明天。三者紧密相连,密不可分。因此,要借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天,把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。


1. 第一段简要描述给定的话语“借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天”,然后提出论点:我们应把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。

2. 第二段承上启下,通过疑问的方式提出如何做到把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。

3. 第三段通过“总—分—总”的方式分层论述了如何把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。


“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” The remark means that every day is closely related to another, for yesterday leaves us valuable experience that we can take advantage of for today and tomorrow; today is the time that we learn from yesterday and experience new life, making good preparations for tomorrow; tomorrow is the future that we are eager to experience based on yesterday and today. It informs us that we should make our past, present and future days worthwhile. 1

What will we do to make it so? 2

From my own perspective, seize every day. 3 Yesterday is a foundation. You may say yesterday is history, but if you seize it, there's no regret and you lay solid foundation for future days. 4 Today is action. You may say today is too short but that is the reality. If you seize today, you'll have done what you should do and make progress, going close to success. 4 Tomorrow is a plan. You may say tomorrow is changeable but it is mysterious, full of hope. Although we don't know what will happen tomorrow, we can make good preparations for greater success. 4 Seize every day and you'll make the past, present and future days worthwhile. 5





1. 开篇简要描述话语的含义,同时结合话语的含义引出文章的论点:应把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。

2. 自然过渡,用疑问的方式提出如何把握好自己的过去、现在和将来,紧扣作文话题。

3. 第三段首句提纲挈领,明确说明“抓住每一天”就会把握好自己的过去、现在和将来。

4. 分三个层次论证了自己的观点,论据充分,论证有力。

5. 末句总结全文,再次强调了论点。


be related to 和……相关

take advantage of 利用

make good preparations for 为……做好准备

trustworthy adj. 可信赖的;可靠的

foundation n. 基础

changeable adj. 多变的

mysterious adj. 神秘的


1. The remark means that every day is closely related to another, for yesterday leaves us valuable experience that we can take advantage of for today and tomorrow; today is the time that we learn from yesterday and experience new life, making good preparations for tomorrow; tomorrow is the future that we are eager to experience based on yesterday and today.

本句是一个较复杂的句子,that引导的从句有宾语从句that every day is closely related to another,有定语从句that we can take advantage of for today and tomorrow和that we are eager to experience. 也有同位语从句that we learn from yesterday and experience new life,同时还用到了现在分词短语making good preparations和过去分词短语based on yesterday and today,句式结构复杂多样。

2. Seize every day and you'll make the past, present and future days worthwhile.

本句为“祈使句+ and +陈述句”的结构,其中的祈使句的功能相当于条件状语从句,如本句可以转化为If you seize every day, you'll make the past, present and future days worthwhile。


满分作文:About the Mobile Phone

Human creativeness is boundless. With the advance of science and technology, a completelynew means of communication — the Mobile Phone — came to the world, which, being notfixed in one place like ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication.

The mobile phone spreads so rapidly, first from businessmen to office workers, then to townshipenterprise managers, then to journalists and then nowadays to people of all trades andprofessions. At present, it seems that nowhere we do not hear the musical ringing of the mobilephone . People at first buy phones for convenience and later for fashion. To occupy thisincreasingly big market, the manufacturers are worrying their brains into making various typesof phones, large or small, coloured or black and white, multi-functional or with video cameras, to satisfy the needs. New fashions appear almost every day.

However, it is a great pity that the inventors of the mobile phone did not expect the negativeeffects caused by their scientific merits. Because of the abuse of the mobile phone, aircraftmechanism refuses to work properly, libraries are no longer so quiet, restaurants are filled withnoisy phone talk, teaching is incessantly interrupted by the signals...

Here, in the picture, a concert is going on. The pianist is supposed to be playing Beethoven'ssymphony when, all of a sudden, a man with a tie stood up, talking loudly over his mobilephone and telling his friend that he was attending a concert of classical music. The audienceshuddered with panic and the pianist was nearly shocked to death.

It is not infrequent that the above scene happens in public places. True, human beings havethe right to enjoy modern civilization, nevertheless, should they know how to conductthemselves in the modern civilized society?


·completely new means of communication — the Mobile Phone

·The rapid spreading of the mobile phone

* People who use the phone

* From convenience to fashion

* The manufacturers

·The negative effects of the phone , e.g.

·The interpretation of the cartoon



本文为一篇图画作文, 文体为议论文。作者就“ 移动电话”发表自己的看法。文章开头以“ 人类的创造力是无限的”一句引出移动电话的发明, 继而在第二段中描述了移动电话的迅速发展。接着第三段笔锋一转, 以However 引出一段反面文章, 略述移动电话的负面影响是发明者始料不及的, 由此切入画面以为典型一例。结尾一段是作者的忠告— 享受现代文明也得讲文明。


creativeness n. 创造性

boundless a. 无限的

means of commu nication 通讯工具

not fixed in one place 不固定在一处

facilitate v. 使容易

township enterprise 乡镇企业

journalist n. 记者

people of all trades and professions 各行各业人士

nowhe re we do not... 我们无处不……(双重否定)

manufacturer n. 制造商, 厂家

wor ry one's brain into 绞尽脑汁, 费尽心机

multi-functional a. 多功能的

satisfy one's needs 满足……要求

It is a pity that... 遗憾的是……

negative effect 负效应

merit n. 业绩, 功绩

abuse n. 滥用

aircraft mechanism 航空装置

incessantly interrupted 不断被打断

concert n. 音乐会

pianist n. 钢琴家

Beethoven's symphony 贝多芬交响乐

all of a sudden 突然

shuddered with panic 吓得发抖


About the Mobile Phone

Human creativeness is boundless. With the advance of science and technology, a completelynew means of communication — the Mobile Phone — came to the world, which, being notfixed in one place like ordinary phones, greatly facilitates telephone communication.

The mobile phone spreads so rapidly, first from businessmen to office workers, then to townshipenterprise managers, then to journalists and then nowadays to people of all trades andprofessions. At present, it seems that nowhere we do not hear the musical ringing of the mobilephone . People at first buy phones for convenience and later for fashion. To occupy thisincreasingly big market, the manufacturers are worrying their brains into making various typesof phones, large or small, coloured or black and white, multi-functional or with video cameras, to satisfy the needs. New fashions appear almost every day.

However, it is a great pity that the inventors of the mobile phone did not expect the negativeeffects caused by their scientific merits. Because of the abuse of the mobile phone, aircraftmechanism refuses to work properly, libraries are no longer so quiet, restaurants are filled withnoisy phone talk, teaching is incessantly interrupted by the signals...

Here, in the picture, a concert is going on. The pianist is supposed to be playing Beethoven'ssymphony when, all of a sudden, a man with a tie stood up, talking loudly over his mobilephone and telling his friend that he was attending a concert of classical music. The audienceshuddered with panic and the pianist was nearly shocked to death.

It is not infrequent that the above scene happens in public places. True, human beings havethe right to enjoy modern civilization, nevertheless, should they know how to conductthemselves in the modern civilized society?

六级作文范文之学费篇 关于学费的六级作文怎么写

How I Finance My College Education

Several years ago new tuition fee policy was put into practice and college students were asked to pay a certain sum of money. And now, all the students, no matter what subjects they are engaged in, must pay for tuition.

There are many ways for a student to finance his college education. Most students ask their parents to pay the tuition fee and pay for their books, accommodation and other cost. A student can also apply for the scholarship. Most universities set up scholarship to offer money to the poor students who do well in entrance exams and reward those who do well in entrance exams and reward those who work well at university. A student can also apply for the low-interest loans. In addition to the above, taking part-time jobs is also a common way for a college student to get money to pay part of his tuition and fees.

So far as I'm concerned, I'd prefer earning the scholarship. This means I must study hard and be a top student, which has always been my goal. After all, the task of a student is to study. And in addition to solving my financial problems, getting the scholarship can also prove my ability and is good for my future.





六级作文范文之人名篇 关于人名的六级作文怎么写

On the Importance of a Name

A name is the representation of a person or an entity. It plays an important role in social recognition, just as the old saying goes: a thing is the entity of a name. However, people have diverse opinions on the importance of a name. Some people say that name is important, while the others maintain the other way round. But I think name is of great importance because it is the symbol that distinguishes one thing or person from the others.

We cannot deny the importance of a name, be it for a person or a thing. In the world today, no one can live without identification because they must get social recognition, and name is the symbol of the identification. Once a person or a thing gets social recognition, people will remember their names, and they will get further improvement. Besides, a good name will bring people some nice association. A person with a special name may be easily accepted by a group or a community because of the deep impression the name leaves.

As for companies or products, a name is also vitally important. Years ago, a computer company spent millions of dollars for the name “Acer”. Since then, the company caught the attention of potential customers and became one of giants in the field. However, another company was facing bankruptcy, for the name of its product implies unfavorable meaning thus cannot be sold out. Can we say that name is not important?

A name may affect the whole life of a person, and a name may also influence the future of a company and its products. Therefore, we must treat names carefully.









  1、A little bird told me.一只小鸟告诉我。

From: The Book of Ecclesiastes《传道书》

Do not curse the king, even in your thoughts; do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; for a bird of the air may carry your voice, and a bird in flight may tell the matter


Example: --How do you know this information?

--A little bird told me.

  2、The leopard won't change its spots.豹子不会改变身上的斑点。

From: The Book of Jeremiah《邱利亚书》

Can the Ethiopion change its skin, or the leopard its spots? Then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. Therefore I will scatter them like stubble that passes away by the wind of the wilderness.


Example: I think Jim will reform himself, but Tom won't, as a leopard won't change its spots.

  3、Balaam's donkey 巴兰的驴

From: The Book of Numbers《民数记》

So the donkey said to Balaam,"Am I not your donkey on which you have ridden, ever since I became yours,to this day? Was I ever disposed to do this to you?"


Example: I don't think Jim is Balaam's donkey.

  4、a lion in the road 道上有狮子

From: The Book of Proverbs《箴言》

Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. The lazy man says,"There is a lion in the road! A fierce lion is in the streets!"


Example: A lion in the road, so he did't pass the examination.

  5、Sheep that have no shepherd 没有牧人的羊群

From: The First Book of Kings 《列王记(上)》

I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, like sheep that have no shepherd. And the lord said:"These have no master. Let each of them return to his house in peace."


Example: Our group is like sheep having no shepherd in this match.


  1、Adam and Eve 亚当和夏娃

From: The Book of Genesis 《创世记》

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man.


Example: Tom's grandma lived to be over a hundred,----lived to be Adam and Eve, as they say.

  2、Lot's wife 罗德的妻子

From: The Book of Genesis《创世纪》

When the Lord began to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, he sent two angels to urge the goodman Lot and his family to flee and warned them not to turn their head in flight.

But too curious to see what was happening to her home city, his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.(其中Sodom和Gomorrah均是因居民罪孽深重而被上帝焚毁的古城)


Example: Curious as Lot's wife, Helen can't get along well with her classmates'

  3、Moses 摩西

From: The Book of Exadus《出埃及记》

Moses led the Jews out of Egypt.


Example: In this war, you are our Moses.

  4、Samaritan 撒马利亚人

From: The Gospel According to Luke《路加福音》)

But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was,and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine,and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.


Example: this poor man begged,"you good Samaritan, have pity on me!"


Five score years ago, a great american, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the emancipation proclamation. this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. it came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity.

But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the negro is still not free. one hundred years later, the life of the negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. one hundred years later, the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. one hundred years later, the negro is still languishing in the corners of american society and finds himself an exile in his own land. so we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.


In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. when the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every american was to fall heir. this note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It is obvious today thatamericahas defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. instead of honoring this sacred obligation, america has given the negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." but we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. we refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

we have also come to this hallowed spot to remindamericaof the fierce urgency of now. this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of god's children. now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the negro. this sweltering summer of the negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning.