
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-09  


  1. 个人介绍(Personal Introduction)

  2. 描述家乡或学校(Description of Hometown or School)

  3. 介绍家庭成员(Introduction of Family Members)

  4. 描述日常生活(Description of Daily Life)

  5. 讲述一件事情(Telling a Story About Something)

  6. 描述一个物品或景点(Description of an Item or Scenery)

  7. 表达对某个人或事物的看法或情感(Expressing Opinions or Feelings About Someone or Something)

  8. 介绍自己的兴趣爱好(Introduction of Own Hobbies and Interests)

  9. 写一封信给朋友或家人(Writing a Letter to a Friend or Family Member)

  10. 描述一个活动或事件(Description of an Activity or Event)

  11. 介绍自己的学习计划或目标(Introduction of Own Study Plan or Goals)

  12. 讲述一个假期或旅行经历(Telling About a Holiday or Trip Experience)

  13. 描述天气或季节(Description of Weather or Seasons)

  14. 介绍一种动物或植物(Introduction of an Animal or Plant)

  15. 写一篇日记记录自己的感受和经历(Writing a Diary About Own Feelings and Experiences)


小升初英语作文范文:My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are the best friends of human beings, they are loyal, friendly and smart. I have a cute little dog at home, its name is Lucky. It is a golden retriever with bright big eyes and a body full of golden fur.

Lucky is very smart, it can understand my commands, such as sit, lie down, shake hands, etc. Whenever I come home, it is always the first one to greet me, wagging its tail and excitedly running around me. Sometimes, I will take it to the park for a walk, it will run on the grass, chasing butterflies and birds. Watching its happy appearance, I also feel very happy.

In addition to being smart, Lucky is also very kind. Once, when I was playing downstairs, I accidentally fell down. Lucky immediately ran over and used its little paws to comfort me. Since then, Lucky and I have become better friends.

In short, dogs are the best friends of human beings, they are loyal, friendly and smart. I really like my little dog Lucky, and I hope it can always be with me.



