
英语作文    发布时间:2023-11-17  



1. Habit - 习惯

2. Routine - 常规

3. Behavior - 行为

4. Custom - 习俗

5. Practice - 实践

6. Tradition - 传统

7. Regularly - 定期地

8. Occasionally - 偶尔地

9. Daily - 每天

10. Weekly - 每周

11. Monthly - 每月

12. Yearly - 每年

13. Form a habit - 养成习惯

14. Break a habit - 打破习惯

15. Develop a routine - 养成常规

16. Stick to a routine - 坚持常规

17. Adopt a new habit - 养成新习惯

18. Kick a bad habit - 戒掉坏习惯

19. Change behavior - 改变行为

20. Establish a custom - 树立习俗


❶ 他打呼噜打得很厉害。He snores really badly.

对话 A: My husband snores really badly. 我老公打呼噜打得很厉害。

B: I'm sorry to hear that. 抱歉听到这个。

❷ 我吃饭很不规律。I have meals irregularly.

对话 A: I have meals irregularly. 我吃饭很不规律。

B: This is really a bad habit. You should try to get rid of it. 这真的是一个坏习惯,你要想办法改掉。

❸ 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie.

对话 A: I can't help blinking my eyes whenever I lie. 我一说谎就忍不住眨眼睛。

B: Then I can judge whether you are lying. 那我可以判断你是否在说谎。

❹ 她每晚都裸睡。She sleeps in the nude every night.

对话 A: She sleeps in the nude every night. 她每晚都裸睡。

B: Yeah, it's hard for her to sleep with clothing on. 是啊,她穿衣服很难睡着。

❺ 她一紧张就咬指甲。She bites her nails whenever she gets nervous.

同类表达 I can't say a word when I get nervous. 我一紧张就说不出话来。

❻ 我总是边看电视边吃晚饭。I always watch TV while having dinner.

同类表达 I always read newspaper while having breakfast. 我经常边看报纸边吃早饭。

❼ 不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

对话 A: I am addicted to the life of sleeping late and getting up at noon. 我沉溺于晚睡晚起的生活。

B: Don't form an undisciplined way of life. 不要养成散漫的生活作风。

❽ 江山易改,本性难移。A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead.

对话 A: Why can't you get rid of your stubbornness? 你为什么不能改掉你固执的性格?

B: A man never gives up his hobbies until he is dead. 江山易改,本性难移。

❾ 他容易失去冷静。He is easy to lose his cool.

对话 A: Why does he often dispute with others? 他为什么经常与人争论?

B: He is easy to lose his cool. 他容易失去冷静。

❿ 我习惯晚睡晚起。I'm used to sleep late and get up late.

这样回答 It's a bad habit. 这是个坏习惯。



A: What's your morning routine like? 


B: I usually wake up at 6 am, go for a run, and then have a healthy breakfast. 



A: Do you have any bad habits that you want to break? 


B: Yeah, I'm trying to quit smoking. It's been a tough habit to kick. 



A: Why do you always tap your foot when you're nervous? 


B: It's just become second nature to me. I do it without even realizing it. (这已经成了我的第二天性。我甚至都没意识到自己在做这件事。)



A: Do you have any good habits that you follow regularly?

B: Yes, I have a habit of waking up early every morning and going for a jog.

A: That's great! How long have you been doing this?

B: I've been doing it for about a year now. It helps me stay active and energized throughout the day.

A: I should start developing some good habits too. Any suggestions?

B: You can try incorporating a few minutes of meditation or reading into your daily routine. It can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

A: 你有什么定期遵循的好习惯吗?

B: 是的,我有早起每天慢跑的习惯。

A: 那太棒了!你已经坚持多久了?

B: 我已经坚持了大约一年了。这帮助我整天保持活力和精力充沛。

A: 我也应该开始养成些好习惯。有什么建议吗?

B: 你可以尝试将几分钟的冥想或阅读纳入你的日常安排中。这对你的整体健康有积极影响。


A: I noticed you always carry a water bottle with you. Is that a habit?

B: Yes, it is. Staying hydrated is important to me, so I make it a habit to always have a water bottle with me.

A: That's a smart habit. It's important to drink enough water throughout the day.

B: Absolutely. It keeps me refreshed and helps maintain my overall health.

A: I should start following that habit too. Thanks for the reminder!

A: 我注意到你总是随身携带一个水瓶。这是个习惯吗?

B: 是的,是的。对我来说保持水分供给很重要,所以我养成了随时携带水瓶的习惯。

A: 这是个明智的习惯。一天中喝足够的水很重要。

B: 绝对。它让我保持清爽,有助于保持整体健康。

A: 我也应该开始遵循这个习惯。谢谢你的提醒!


A: I've been trying to quit smoking, but it's been really hard.

B: Developing a new habit takes time and effort. Have you tried any strategies to help you quit?

A: I've tried nicotine patches, but they haven't been very effective.

B: Maybe you can try replacing the habit of smoking with something healthier, like chewing gum or taking short walks when you feel the urge.

A: That's a good idea. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion!

A: 我一直在努力戒烟,但真的很难。

B: 养成新的习惯需要时间和努力。你尝试过一些帮助你戒烟的策略吗?

A: 我试过尼古丁贴,但效果不太好。

B: 也许你可以尝试用一些更健康的东西替代吸烟的习惯,比如嚼口香糖或在感觉冲动时散步一会儿。

A: 这是个好主意。我会试试的。谢谢你的建议!
