名篇背诵:The Biographer 传记作家

英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-06  

The Biographer 传记作家

莱斯利·斯蒂芬(Leslie Stephen)

The biographer should sternly confine himself to his functions as introducer; and should give no more discussion than is clearly necessary for making the book an independent whole. A little analysis of motive may be necessary here and there;when, for example, your hero has put his hand in somebody's pocket and you have to demonstrate that his conduct was due to sheer absence of mind. But you must always remember that a single concrete fact, or a saying into which a man has put his whole soul, is worth pages of psychological analysis. We may argue till Doomsday about Swift's character; his single phrase about “dying like a poisoned rat in a hole” tells us more than all the commentators. The book should be the man himself speaking or acting, and nothing but the man. It should be such a portrait as reveals the essence of character; and the writer who gives anything that does not tell upon the general effect is like the portrait-painter who allows the chairs and tables, or even the coat and cravat, to distract attention from the face. The really significant anecdote is often all that survives of a life; and such anecdotes must be made to tell properly, instead of being hidden away in a wilderness of the commonplace ; they should be a focus of interest, instead of a fallible extract for a book of miscellanies . How much would be lost of Johnson if we suppress the incident of the penance at Uttoxter! It is such incidents that in books, as often in life, suddenly reveal to us whole regions of sentiment but never rise to the surface in the ordinary routine of our day.

- sternly [ˈstɜːnlɪ] ad. 严格地

- Doomsday [ˈduːmzdeɪ] n. 世界末日,最后审判日

- commonplace [ˈkɒmənpleɪs] a./n. 平凡的;平凡的事物

- fallible [ˈfæləbl] a. 易犯错误的,难免有错误的

- miscellany [mɪˈselənɪ] n. 杂货,混合物

- penance [ˈpenəns] n. (赎罪的)苦行,苦修


莱斯利·斯蒂芬(1832—1904),英国传记作家、文学批评家、哲学家。作品有《书房时光》(Hours in a Libray ,1874—1879),《18世纪英国思想史》(The History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century ,1876),《伦理学》(The Science of Ethics ,1882)。其作品结构严谨,文笔简洁,语意深长。


除了他的文学批评作品,斯蒂芬还是一位著名的传记作家。他的传记作品包括《维多利亚时代的著名人物》(Biographies of Famous Victorians)等,其中对一些著名人物如威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)和亨利·德维登(William Wordsworth)进行了深入的研究和阐述。