
英语作文    发布时间:2023-07-14  


1. 道德和职业操守:学历文凭造假违背了道德和职业操守的原则。一个人通过造假来获取学历文凭,不仅是对自己的不诚实和不负责任,也是对雇主和社会的欺骗。诚实和诚信是职场成功的基础,而造假行为会对个人的声誉和职业发展造成长期的负面影响。

2. 教育和就业市场的公平竞争:学历文凭造假扭曲了教育和就业市场的公平竞争环境。那些通过努力学习和真实取得学位的毕业生可能会因为造假者的存在而受到不公平的竞争。雇主在招聘时需要依赖学历等证书来评估候选人的能力和资格,如果这些证书无法保证真实性,将会降低招聘的准确性和公正性。

3. 法律责任:学历文凭造假是违法行为,在很多国家都被视为欺诈行为,并可能受到法律的追究和处罚。对于涉及造假的个人和机构,应依法追究其法律责任,以维护教育和就业市场的公平和正义。



Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayentitled How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas?You should write at least 150 wordsfollowing the outline given below:




How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas?

Nowadays the flooding of fake diplomas is becoming more and more of aproblem in our society. It is reported that fake diplomas are very common in thejob market. In addition,there are a variety of fake diplomas orcertificates.

It is very clearly seen that fake diplomas are bringing great damage inmany aspects. Above all,employers may recruit employees who are not qualifiedfor a certain post,causing a great loss to their companies. Furthermore,it'sunfair that one fails to get his job just because his rival has a fake diplomaor certificate. Therefore,it is high time that we took effective measures tostop fake diplomas from spreading.

First of all,companies and universities should have a close contact so thatthe fake diplomas cannot play tricks. Moreover,the one who fabricates the fakediplomas should be severely punished by laws and totally exposed through media.Besides,companies should keep detailed information of the diploma holders andthe diplomas should be issued with fake-proof mark. Only through these ways canthis problem be tackled.






On Fabricating Academic Credentials

On Fabricating Academic Credentials
Etymologically, the word “credential” derives from “credit” and is related to the moral attribute of credibility. An academic credential reflects a student's academic knowledge and expertise, with which he becomes qualified for performing certain professional responsibilities at certain professional positions. Academic credentials shouldn't be falsified because false credentials are dangerous. For example, a medical graduate with false credentials can kill his patients rather than rescuing them.
Currently, fabricating academic credentials is particularly rampant in China, where all recruitments seem to involve credentials. In order to secure the job they want, some job seekers without the required credentials have no alternative but to have them fabricated by professional forgers. While condemning users of fake credentials on both legal and moral grounds, we somehow tend to sympathize with them as they are victimized by a society addicted to the credential mania.
A more despicable form of credential fabrication is perpetrated by those already highly successful people—businessmen, entrepreneurs, government officials, celebrities in the entertainment industry, etc. They use false credentials not so much to advance their careers as to project their personal image as an icon. This is a greater evil because those fabricators contrive, through fraudulence, to secure our admiration and respect on the spiritual level. A most notorious case is the scandal of TxxJxx, who pretends to be a role model for innocent Chinese youth, with false Ph.D. credential from a non-existent American university.
To solve this problem, a combination of measures is necessary. We should evaluate a person by his true caliber, not solely by his credentials. Legally, we should crack down on both the seeller and the buyer of false credentials. Finally, we should keep exposing and denouncing fabricators so they can no longer fool us. In this way, our society will become purified and credibility will ultimately prevail.
从词源学上讲,学历“credential”一词源于“credit”(信誉), 与诚信这一德行相关。一份学历所反映的,是一个学生的学识与专长;有了这二者,他就有资质去在特定的专业岗位上履行特定的专业职责。对于学历,不应弄虚作假,因为虚假的学历贻害无穷。举例来说,一个拥有虚假学历的医科毕业生,更有可能将其病人置于死地,而非挽救其生命。

英语六级作文预测:文凭学历造假 Diploma Fraud in Higher Education

In recent years, diploma fraud has become a pressing issue in higher education. With the increasing demand for higher education and the fierce competition for job opportunities, some individuals resort to dishonest means to obtain fake diplomas. This unethical practice not only undermines the credibility of educational institutions but also poses significant risks to society.

There are several reasons why people engage in diploma fraud. Firstly, the pressure to obtain a college degree has intensified due to the ever-growing job market competition. Some individuals feel compelled to resort to fraudulent means in order to secure better employment prospects. Secondly, the lack of effective regulatory measures and the loopholes in the education system create an environment that facilitates diploma fraud. Lastly, the high costs associated with obtaining a legitimate degree can also drive some individuals to seek cheaper and illegal alternatives.

The consequences of diploma fraud are far-reaching and detrimental. For one, it undermines the integrity and reputation of educational institutions. When employers discover that an applicant's diploma is fake, it erodes their trust in the education system as a whole. Additionally, it leads to unfair competition in the job market, as those with genuine qualifications are disadvantaged. Moreover, diploma fraud can result in serious consequences in professions that require specific skills and knowledge, such as medicine or engineering. Patients' lives and public safety can be jeopardized if individuals with fake credentials are allowed to practice.

To tackle this issue, it is essential to implement stricter regulations and enforcement mechanisms. Educational institutions should enhance their verification procedures to ensure the legitimacy of diplomas. Collaboration between educational institutions and employers can help in creating a database for diploma verification, making it harder for individuals to forge their qualifications. Additionally, legal consequences should be imposed on those found guilty of diploma fraud to deter others from engaging in such unethical practices.

It is also crucial to raise awareness among students about the importance of honesty and the consequences of diploma fraud. Educational institutions should include ethics education in their curriculum, emphasizing the value of integrity and the long-term benefits of obtaining a legitimate degree. Moreover, society should promote a culture where individuals are valued for their skills, abilities, and experiences rather than solely their educational credentials.

In conclusion, diploma fraud is a serious issue in higher education that undermines the credibility of educational institutions and threatens the fairness of the job market. To combat this problem, stricter regulations, enhanced verification procedures, and increased awareness are necessary. It is crucial for all stakeholders, including educational institutions, employers, and society, to work collaboratively in addressing this issue and upholding the integrity of higher education.






