
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-22  



Extracurricular activities: 课外活动

Enrich: 丰富

Campus life: 校园生活

Sports: 体育

Arts: 艺术

Social skills: 社交技能

Teamwork: 团队合作

Interests: 兴趣

Talents: 才能

Opportunities: 机会


Extracurricular activities play a vital role in the holistic development of students. They are the stepping stones to a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom. Engaging in sports teaches discipline and teamwork, while participating in arts cultivates creativity and self-expression. Social clubs offer a platform to develop interpersonal skills and forge lifelong friendships. Moreover, academic clubs provide a deeper understanding of subjects that students are passionate about. These activities not only enhance the campus experience but also prepare students for the challenges of the future. By embracing extracurricular activities, students can discover their potential, build confidence, and become well-adjusted individuals ready to contribute to society.



❶ 我们学校的课外活动很丰富。Our school's extracurricular activities are very colorful.

同类表达 We had few after-class activities. 我们几乎没有什么课外活动。

❷ 课外活动的时间是下午四点到五点。The time for extracurricular activities is between 16:00 and 17:00.

这样提问 What is the time for extracurricular activities? 课外活动是什么时候?

❸ 大多数学生都喜欢参加课外活动。Most of the students like to participate in extracurricular activities.

❹ 你参加了什么课外活动?What kind of activities are you involved in?

同类表达 Are you involved in any extracurriculum activities in school? 你在学校参加了什么课外活动吗?

❺ 很多孩子参加了课外活动小组。Many children attend after-school clubs.

同类表达 Helen attended the school's speech club. 海伦参加了学校的演讲俱乐部。

❻ 课外活动是学校生活的重要组成部分。Extracurricular activities are an integral part of school life.

同类表达 Extracurricular activities are very important. 课外活动非常重要。

❼ 课外活动有益孩子的健康。Taking extracurricular activities is beneficial to children's health.

对话 A: Why should I let my child take extracurricular activities? 为什么我应该让我的孩子参加课外活动?

B: Taking extracurricular activities is beneficial to children's health. 课外活动有益孩子的健康。

❽ 他们可以学到一些书本上学不到的东西。They can learn something that they can't learn from books.

同类表达 Wonderful after-school activities can help the students reduce their study pressure. 精彩的课外活动有助于学生减轻学业压力。

❾ 好好放松后,学生会更加努力学习。After good relaxation, students will work harder.

这样提问 What do you think of the extracurricular activities? 你觉得课外活动怎么样?

❿ 我们应该鼓励学生去参加课外活动。We should encourage students to take part in extracurricular activities.

同类表达 Most of the students took an active part in extracurricular activities. 大部分学生都积极参加课外活动。