英语笑话:Comfortable 来拿牛

英语作文    发布时间:2024-08-22  


A blonde and a brunette purchased a farm in Louisiana,but they needed a bull.It was decided that the brunette would take $200 and go to Chicago to buy the bull.She purchased the bull for $197 and went to send her friend a telegram.The clerk told her the telegram would cost three dollars per word to Louisiana.The brunette thought for a moment,then decided to send one word:“Comfortable.”The clerk was puzzled and asked,“How will your friend know what you mean?”The brunette replied,“Well,you see,my friend is a little slow,so when she gets this,she’ll read:‘ Com-for-da-bul.’”




1.Comfortable - 舒适的

2.Blonde - 金发的

3.Brunette - 黑发的

4.Purchased - 购买

5.Farm - 农场

6.Needed - 需要

7.Bull - 公牛

8.Decided - 决定

9.Telegram - 电报

10.Clerk - 办事员

11.Cost - 成本

12.Per word - 每个字

13.Puzzled - 困惑的

14.Reply - 回答

15.Slow - 迟钝的

16.Read - 读

17.Com-for-da-bul - 来拿牛(黑发女人创造的读法)