
英语作文    发布时间:2024-02-01  



Haircut - 理发

I need a haircut.(我需要理发。)

Highlights - 染发

I'd like to add some highlights to my hair.(我想给我的头发加一些高光。)

Hair extensions - 发延

She got hair extensions for her wedding.(她为了婚礼做了发延。)

Perm - 烫发

I'm getting a perm today.(我今天要去烫发。)

Trim - 修剪

I just need a trim, please.(我只需要修剪一下。)

Layer - 分层

Can you give me layers in my hair?(你能给我的头发做分层吗?)

Blow dry - 吹风

I'd like a blow dry after the haircut.(理发后我想要吹风。)

Shampoo - 洗发

I prefer a volumizing shampoo.(我喜欢用增加头发体积的洗发水。)

Conditioner - 护发素

Could you use a deep conditioner on my hair?(你能给我的头发用深层护发素吗?)

Hair styling - 发型设计

I want a new hair styling for the party.(我想要为派对设计一个新的发型。)


Hairdresser: Good morning! How can I help you today?


Customer: I'm getting my hair done today. I'd like a trim and maybe some highlights.


Hairdresser: Sure, let's start with the trim. How much would you like to take off?


Customer: Just a little off the ends, please. And for the highlights, I want something subtle.


Hairdresser: Understood. Let's get started then.



A Day at the Hair Salon

Going to the hair salon is a treat for many people. It's not just about getting a new look; it's also a time for relaxation and self-care. I decided to visit my favorite salon for a much-needed haircut and color.

Today, I walked into the salon with my hair feeling a bit unkempt. The stylist greeted me warmly and asked about my preferences. I explained that I wanted a trim to remove the split ends and some subtle highlights to add dimension to my hair.

The stylist carefully listened to my requests and began the process. First, she washed my hair with a gentle shampoo, massaging my scalp to help me relax. After the wash, she skillfully trimmed my hair, making sure to maintain the length I desired.

Next, we moved on to the highlights. She chose a shade that would complement my skin tone and applied the color with precision. As I sat under the dryer, I could feel the anticipation building for my new look.

Finally, after the color had set, the stylist styled my hair with a blow dry and some finishing touches. When I looked in the mirror, I was delighted with the result. My hair looked healthy, vibrant, and stylish.

Leaving the salon, I felt refreshed and confident. A simple visit to the hair salon had not only improved my appearance but also lifted my spirits. It's amazing how a change in hairstyle can make such a difference in one's mood.









❶ 我想理发,再刮一下胡子。I want a haircut and a shave.

同类表达 I want to cut my hair. 我想剪头发。

I want to have my hair cut. 我想理发。

❷ 我只要修剪一下就好。I'd just like a trim.

同类表达 Just trim it a little. 稍微修剪一下就好。

对话 A: How much hair do you want me to take off? 您想把头发剪掉多少?

B: I'd just like a trim. 我只要修剪一下就好。

❸ 让我来冲洗一下你的头发。Let me rinse your hair.

同类表达 Tip your head back and let me wash your hair. 头向后仰,让我帮你洗头发。

Close your eyes. I'm going to wet your hair. 闭上眼睛,我要弄湿你的头发。

❹ 顶上要打薄一点。Thin out the top, please.

同类表达 Can you make it a little thinner on top? 顶上能给我打薄一些吗?

Just a little off the sides. 把两边剪掉一点。

对话 A: How do you want your hair cut? 你头发想怎么理?

B: Thin out the top, please. 请把顶上打薄一些。

❺ 请帮我剃掉鬓角。Shave off the sideburns, please.

对话 A: Any special requirements? 有什么特别要求吗?

B: Shave off the sideburns, please. 请帮我把鬓角剃掉。

❻ 我要烫头发。I'd like a perm.

同类表达 I'd like my hair curled. 我想把头发做成卷发。

I want to straighten my hair. 我想把头发拉直。

❼ 你觉得我的新发型怎么样?How do you think of my new hairdo?

这样回答 Beautifully done. 做得好极了。

You've done a great job with my hair. 你把我头发剪得好极了。

❽ 经常染发可能损伤你的发质。Frequent dying may damage your hair.

❾ 我们新到了一些抗皱产品。We've got some new anti-wrinkle products.

同类表达 We've got some new anti-aging products. 我们新到了一些抗衰老产品。

I want to start with a thorough cleansing. 我想从全面清洁开始。

❿ This kind of beauty cream can smooth away wrinkles. 这种美容霜能消除皱纹。

同类表达 This beauty creem can whiten your skin. 这种美容霜能美白皮肤。