
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-24  



Tutoring: 辅导

Academic progress: 学术进步

Professional teachers: 专业教师

Educational institutions: 教育机构

Subject: 科目

One-on-one: 一对一

Group sessions: 小组形式

After-school: 课后

Weekend: 周末

Holiday: 假期

Course review: 课程复习

Homework assistance: 作业辅导

Exam preparation: 考试准备

Study skills: 学习技巧


In the bustling city, where the pace of life is relentless, the concept of tutoring has become an integral part of the educational landscape. Tutoring centers, often staffed by seasoned educators, offer a sanctuary for students seeking to enhance their academic prowess. These centers are not merely places for extra lessons; they are hubs of learning where students can receive personalized attention and targeted support.

Students who find themselves struggling with a particular subject can turn to tutors for guidance. The tutors, with their deep understanding of the subject matter, provide insights and strategies that are tailored to the individual needs of the students. This one-on-one interaction is invaluable, as it allows for a focused approach to learning, addressing the unique challenges each student faces.

Moreover, tutoring centers often go beyond the academic, offering workshops on study skills and time management. These skills are critical for students' long-term success, equipping them with the tools to navigate their educational journey with confidence and efficiency.

In essence, tutoring is more than just an academic boost; it is a comprehensive educational experience that fosters growth, both intellectually and personally.






❶ 你要上哪个补习班?Which after-school class are you going to take?

这样回答 I want to go to the math extracurricular tutorial class. 我想去上数学课外辅导班。

❷ 课外补习占用了太多时间。After-school class takes up too much time.

同类表达 Spending so much time on English is not a good choice. 花那么多的时间学英语不是一个好选择。

❸ 我们为她报了额外的课后辅导班。We signed her up for extra classes after school.

同类表达 The final exam is approaching. 期末考试就快到了。

❹ 好像今年的暑假班很快就都报满了。It seems that classes are quickly filled up for this summer vacation.

同类表达 I will sign up for summer class. 我要报暑期班。

❺ 在暑期班补习期间你要好好利用时间。You should make good use of your time when studying in summer school.

❻ 钢琴培训班是周六上课。The piano training class is on Saturday.

同类表达 The handwriting training class is on Sunday. 书法培训班是周日上课。

My English training courses are scheduled on Thursday night. 我的英语培训课程被安排到周四晚上了。

❼ 我想通过上一些培训课程来提高我的英语水平。I'd like to improve my English by taking some training courses.

同类表达 I need to squeeze some time to practice my oral English. 我需要挤出时间来练习口语。

❽ 你在补习班学的有用吗?Is what you learn at cram school helpful?

同类表达 Is it helpful to study at cram school? 在补习班学习有用吗?

❾ 我参加培训课程后觉得学校的课程更容易懂了。I found it's easier to understand school lectures after attending training courses.

同类表达 Attending training courses is helpful for my school lectures. 参加培训课程有助于我学习学校的课程。

❿ 我们会根据每个学生的情况去提供个别辅导。We will offer an individual tutorship according to different conditions of every student.