
英语作文    发布时间:2024-10-22  



  1. Athletics

    • 例句: Athletics includes various sports such as running and jumping.

    • 翻译: 田径包括多种运动,如跑步和跳跃。

  2. Relay Race

    • 例句: The relay race requires teamwork and coordination.

    • 翻译: 接力赛需要团队合作和协调。

  3. Marathon

    • 例句: She trained for months to run a marathon.

    • 翻译: 她训练了几个月来参加马拉松比赛。

  4. Opening Ceremony

    • 例句: The opening ceremony was filled with exciting performances.

    • 翻译: 开幕式上充满了精彩的表演。

  5. Closing Ceremony

    • 例句: The closing ceremony featured awards and speeches.

    • 翻译: 闭幕式上有颁奖和演讲。

  6. Track and Field

    • 例句: Track and field events are very popular at the Olympics.

    • 翻译: 田径项目在奥运会上非常受欢迎。

  7. Scoreboard

    • 例句: The scoreboard shows the current scores of the teams.

    • 翻译: 记分板显示了各队的当前得分。

  8. Cheerleader

    • 例句: The cheerleaders encouraged the athletes during the competition.

    • 翻译: 啦啦队员在比赛期间鼓励运动员。

  9. Athlete

    • 例句: Every athlete dreams of winning a gold medal.

    • 翻译: 每个运动员都梦想赢得金牌。

  10. Competition

    • 例句: The competition was fierce, but everyone enjoyed it.

    • 翻译: 比赛非常激烈,但每个人都很享受。

  11. Participant

    • 例句: Each participant received a medal for their efforts.

    • 翻译: 每位参与者都因他们的努力获得了一枚奖牌。

  12. Spectator

    • 例句: Spectators cheered loudly for their favorite teams.

    • 翻译: 观众们为他们喜欢的队伍大声欢呼。

  13. Coach

    • 例句: The coach gave valuable advice to the athletes.

    • 翻译: 教练给运动员们提供了宝贵的建议。

  14. Training

    • 例句: Proper training is essential for success in sports.

    • 翻译: 适当的训练对运动成功至关重要。

  15. Fitness

    • 例句: Fitness is a key factor in performance at the sports meet.

    • 翻译: 健康状况是运动会表现的关键因素。

  16. Medal

    • 例句: Winning a medal is the goal of every competitor.

    • 翻译: 赢得奖牌是每位参赛者的目标。

  17. Event

    • 例句: Each event showcases the talents of different athletes.

    • 翻译: 每个项目展示了不同运动员的才华。

  18. Sportsmanship

    • 例句: Good sportsmanship is important in all competitions.

    • 翻译: 良好的体育精神在所有比赛中都很重要。

  19. Trophy

    • 例句: The winning team received a trophy at the end of the tournament.

    • 翻译: 获胜队伍在比赛结束时获得了奖杯。

  20. Victory

    • 例句: The team celebrated their victory with a party.

    • 翻译: 队伍以聚会庆祝他们的胜利。


Every year, our school holds an annual sports meeting that brings together students, teachers, and parents. The sports meeting lasts for two days and includes a variety of events, such as running, jumping, and team sports. The excitement begins with the opening ceremony, where each class proudly marches onto the field, waving their class banners.

Students participate in individual and team competitions, showcasing their talents and teamwork. I particularly enjoy the relay race, where teamwork plays a crucial role in achieving victory. During the sports meeting, spectators cheer for their favorite teams, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and support.

Winning a medal is a significant achievement, but the real joy comes from participating and doing your best. The sports meeting not only promotes physical fitness but also fosters friendships among students. It is a great opportunity for us to learn about sportsmanship and respect for one another.

At the end of the sports meeting, the closing ceremony takes place, where winners are awarded medals and trophies. Everyone celebrates the efforts of all participants, and we leave the event with wonderful memories. The annual sports meeting is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of our school spirit and community.






❶ 我决定参加长跑比赛。I decided to take part in the long-distance race.

这样回答 Good luck! I will cheer for you. 祝你好运!我会为你加油助威的。

❷ 你肯定跑得特别快。You must be a very fast runner.

同类表达 I'm fond of races. 我喜欢赛跑。

I was on the school track and field team last year. 我去年就参加学校的田径队了。

❸ 我们获得了三连胜。We achieved three straight victories.

同类表达 We got triple champion.

We got three successive wins.

❹ 你赛跑得了第几名?What was your place in the race?

对话 A: What was your place in the race? 你赛跑得了第几名?

B: I got the first place in the 110-meter hurdle. 110米跨栏我拿了第一名。

❺ 去年我打破了学校纪录。I broke the school record last year.

同类表达 What's your record of high jump? 你的跳高纪录是多少?

❻ 在接力比赛中他把最后一棒传给了我。He passed on the last stick to me in the relay race.

❼ 在男子跳远比赛中,三班开始时落后了。In the boys' long-jump competition, Class Three fell behind at first.

对话 A: In the boys' long-jump competition, Class Three fell behind at first. 在男子跳远比赛中,三班开始时落后了。

B: Yeah, I know, but they caught up later. 是的,我知道,但是他们后来追上来了。

❽ 她在最后一圈时开始冲刺了。She began to sprint on the last lap.

同类表达 Bruce crossed the line first. 布鲁斯第一个冲到终点。

❾ 让我们来为他加油!Let's cheer for him!

同类表达 We will all be rooting for you. 我们都会为你加油的。

❿ 观众席里有很多我们的拉拉队员。We've got lots of supporters in the stands.

对话 A: We've got lots of supporters in the stands. 观众席里有很多我们的拉拉队员。

B: Yeah, I can see them. They are in yellow. 嗯,我看到他们了。他们穿着黄色的衣服。