
英语作文    发布时间:2024-06-27  



Theft: 盗窃

Burglary: 入室盗窃

Larceny: 小偷小摸

Robbery: 抢劫

Fraud: 欺诈

Embezzlement: 挪用公款

Shoplifting: 扒窃

Cyber theft: 网络盗窃

Trespassing: 非法入侵

Vandalism: 故意破坏


Theft is a grave offense that infringes upon the property rights of others. It is an act committed stealthily, often under the cover of darkness, with the intent to unlawfully acquire possessions. Society views this crime with disdain, as it undermines the very fabric of communal trust and security. The repercussions of theft are far-reaching, affecting not only the victim but also the community at large. It is imperative that we strengthen legal frameworks and raise awareness to combat this scourge effectively.



❶ 我遇上扒手了。I had my pocket picked.

对话 A: I had my pocket picked. 我遇上扒手了。

B: I am sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很遗憾。

❷ 我的包被偷了。My bag was stolen.

同类表达 It seemed a thief has stolen my purse. 小偷似乎偷走了我的钱包。

The thief stole my phone and money. 小偷把我的手机和钱偷走了。

❸ 我看见有人抢了老太太的钱。I saw a man rob the old lady of her money.

同类表达 I got mugged. 我被抢劫了。

❹ 我所有的证件也都被偷了。All my documents are stolen, too.

这样提问 Was there anything else stolen? 还有别的东西被偷吗?

同类表达 I left my passport and traveler's checks in my bag. 我把护照和旅行支票放在提包内。

❺ 我刚刚被抢了。I have just been robbed.

同类表达 My handbag was snatched away. 我的手提包被抢走了。

Help! I've been robbed! 救命啊!我被抢了!

❻ 抓住他!他是扒手!Get him! He's the pickpocket!

同类表达 Catch him! 抓住他!

Don't let the thief run out of the store. 别让小偷跑出商店。

❼ 警察来之前,车上的乘客谁也不能走。All the passengers can't leave the bus until the policeman comes.

同类表达 The robbers escaped before the police arrived. 强盗们在警察到来之前逃走了。

❽ 把钱包放在夹克兜里不安全。It's not safe to put your purse in the pocket of your jacket.

对话 A: It's not safe to put your purse in the pocket of your jacket. 把钱包放在夹克兜里不安全。

B: Thank you for your reminding. 谢谢你的提醒。

❾ 当心那个扒手。Beware of that pickpocket.

❿ 偷窃真是让人厌恶。Stealing is really disgusting.

对话 A: Stealing is really disgusting. 偷窃真是让人厌恶。

B: Yes. I hate pickpockets. 是啊,我憎恨扒手。