
英语作文    发布时间:2024-03-04  



- Clarify: 阐明

- Elaborate: 详细说明
- Expound: 阐述
- Illuminate: 照亮(比喻意义上的解释)
- Interpret: 解释
- Rationalize: 为...提供理由
- Justify: 证明...是正当的
- Clarification: 澄清
- Exposition: 阐述
- Explanation: 解释
- Interpretation: 解释(尤指对艺术作品或文本的解释)
- Contextualize: 放在上下文中解释


In our daily lives, the act of explaining is indispensable. Whether we are teaching a concept to a student, resolving a misunderstanding with a friend, or presenting a new idea at work, the ability to explain clearly and effectively is crucial.


An effective explanation requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to convey that understanding in a way that is accessible to the listener. It involves breaking down complex ideas into simpler components, using analogies or examples that the listener can relate to, and anticipating potential questions or objections.


Moreover, a good explanation is tailored to the audience. It recognizes the listener's existing knowledge and builds upon it, ensuring that the explanation is neither too simplistic nor too complex. It also respects the listener's time and attention by being concise and to the point.


In conclusion, explanation is an art that requires practice and empathy. It is a skill that can be honed over time, and when done well, it can lead to better communication, understanding, and collaboration.



❶ 我没那么说。I didn't say that.

同类表达 You're turning my words around. 你曲解我的意思了。

对话 A: Do you mean I am a stupid person? 你的意思是我很笨?

B: I didn't say that. 我没那么说。

❷ 我不是那个意思。That's not what I mean.

对话 A: That's not what I mean. 我不是那个意思。

B: Sorry. I have no time for your explanation. 不好意思,我没有时间听你解释。

❸ 说来话长。It's a long story.

对话 A: It's long story. 说来话长。

B: It's OK. I have time. 没关系,我有时间。

❹ 我不是故意的。I didn't do this on purpose.

同类表达 I didn't mean to do that.

I did it by accident.

❺ 抱歉,也许刚才我没说清楚。I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear.

同类表达 Sorry maybe I got that wrong. 对不起,可能我理解错了。

对话 A: What do you mean? 你什么意思?

B: I'm sorry, maybe I wasn't being clear. 抱歉,也许刚才我没说清楚。

❻ 你没搞懂我的意思。You miss the point.

同类表达 You've got me wrong. 你理解错了我的意思。

对话 A: You miss the point. 你没搞懂我的意思。

B: No. You have made yourself clear. 我明白了。你已经说得很清楚了。

❼ 我要承认一件事情。I have a confession to make.

对话 A: I have a confession to make. 我要承认一件事情。

B: If there's anything you want to say, don't beat about the bush and just say it out. 有什么话就直说吧,别兜圈子了。

❽ 这不会花很长时间。This won't take long.

对话 A: Can you listen to my explanation? This won't take long. 你能听听我的解释吗?这不会花很长时间。

B: Go ahead. 你说吧。

❾ 她的解释消除了我的怀疑。She managed to explain away my doubts.

❿ 她赶忙解释这个情况。She hastened to explain the situation.

对话 A: She hastened to explain the situation. 她赶忙解释这个情况。

B: Maybe it's too late. 或许太迟了。