
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-11  



Secondary school / Middle school: 中学

Junior high school: 初中

Senior high school: 高中

Curriculum: 课程

Subject: 学科

Elective course: 选修课

Compulsory course: 必修课

Extracurricular activities: 课外活动

Homework: 家庭作业

Exam: 考试

Grade: 成绩

Teacher: 老师

Student: 学生

Classroom: 教室

Schoolyard: 校园

Textbook: 教科书

Homework assignment: 作业任务

Study group: 学习小组

School uniform: 校服


My middle school days are some of the most memorable times of my life. I remember waking up early to the sound of the school bell, rushing through breakfast, and heading to school with my backpack full of dreams and books. The campus was always bustling with energy, from the morning exercises to the after-school activities.

In the classroom, we delved into various subjects, each with its own charm. I was particularly fascinated by science and literature. The teachers were not just educators but also mentors, guiding us through the complexities of adolescence. We learned not only from textbooks but also from life itself.

After classes, I enjoyed participating in sports and arts clubs, which were a great way to unwind and make friends. The school also organized annual events like the sports meet and cultural festival, where we could showcase our talents and celebrate our achievements.

Looking back, middle school was a time of growth and discovery. It was where I found my passion for learning and made lifelong friends. It was the stepping stone to my future, and I cherish every moment of it.






❶ 你是一年级学生还是二年级学生?Are you a freshman or a sophomore?

这样回答 I am a junior. 我是高三的学生。

❷ 老师点名了吗?Did the teacher check the attendance?

对话 A: Did the teacher check the attendance? 老师点名了吗?

B: Of course. Don't you know that he checks the attendance every Friday? 当然了,你不知道他每周五都点名吗?

❸ 你如果旷课三次,成绩就会被记作F。You'll get an F if you miss the class three times.

对话 A: You'll get an F if you miss the class three times. 你如果旷课三次,成绩就会被记作F。

B: That was close. I only have one chance. 太险了,我还剩一次机会。

❹ 我今天逃课了。I played hooky today.

同类表达 I skipped class today.

❺ 放学后我们出去玩会儿吧?Why don't we hang out a little after school?

对话 A: Why don't we hang out a little after school? 放学后我们出去玩会儿吧?

B: Great, I'll meet you at the school gate! 好,学校门口见!

❻ 课间的时候你来找我。Come to me during the break.

同类表达 Let's play on the exercise bar during the break! 我们课间去玩健身器吧!

❼ 老师让你去他的办公室。The teacher asked you to come to his office.

对话 A: The teacher asked you to come to his office. 老师让你去他的办公室。

B: Do you know for what? 你知道为什么吗?

❽ 请出示你的学生证。Please show me your student identification.

同类表达 Please give me your student card. 请出示你的学生证。

Please leave your student ID here. 请把学生证留在这儿。

❾ 说实话,我讨厌上学。To tell you the truth, I hate school.

❿ 我今天学校有报告要做。I have a presentation at school today.

对话 A: What's the hurry? It is so early. 着什么急啊?还早着呢。

B: I have a presentation at school today. 我今天学校有报告要做。