
英语作文    发布时间:2023-12-12  



refrigerator - 冰箱

fridge - 冰箱(口语)

freezer - 冷冻室

ice maker - 制冰机

ice tray - 冰盘

door handle - 门把手

shelves - 架子

vegetable drawer - 蔬菜抽屉

meat drawer - 肉类抽屉

dairy compartment - 奶制品储存室

temperature control - 温度控制

defrost - 解冻

power cord - 电源线

energy efficiency - 能效

capacity - 容量

compact size - 紧凑型号

side-by-side refrigerator - 立体式冰箱

top-freezer refrigerator - 上开门式冰箱

bottom-freezer refrigerator - 下开门式冰箱

French door refrigerator - 法式门冰箱

关于冰箱的英语对话 带翻译


A: Could you please grab some milk from the refrigerator?

B: Sure, let me check. Oh no, we're out of milk.

A: Really? I thought we bought some yesterday.

B: I guess we used it all. I'll add it to the shopping list.

A: Thanks. Don't forget to get some eggs too.


A: 你能从冰箱里取点牛奶吗?

B: 当然,让我看看。哦不,我们的牛奶用完了。

A: 真的吗?我记得昨天我们买了一些。

B: 我猜我们都用完了。我会把它加到购物清单上。

A: 谢谢。别忘了也买些鸡蛋。


A: Why is the freezer making a strange noise?

B: I'm not sure. Let me take a look. It might need defrosting.

A: How often do we need to defrost it?

B: It depends on how much ice builds up. Usually, once every few months.

A: Okay, let's defrost it then. I don't want it to stop working.

B: Agreed. I'll defrost it tomorrow morning.


A: 为什么冷冻室发出奇怪的声音?

B: 我不确定。让我看看。可能需要解冻。

A: 我们需要多久解冻一次?

B: 这取决于有多少冰积聚。通常每隔几个月解冻一次。

A: 好吧,那我们解冻它吧。我不想让它停止工作。

B: 同意。我明天早上来解冻它。


A: Why is the refrigerator door not closing properly?

B: It might be because something is blocking it. Let me check.

A: Is there anything in the way?

B: Yes, there's a container that's sticking out. I'll move it.

A: Great, now it should close properly. Thank you.

B: No problem. Let me know if you notice any other issues.


A: 冰箱的门为什么关不紧?

B: 可能是因为有东西挡住了它。让我看看。

A: 有什么东西挡住了吗?

B: 是的,有一个容器伸出来了。我会把它移开。

A: 太好了,现在它应该能关紧了。谢谢。

B: 没问题。如果你注意到其他问题,请告诉我。

关于冰箱的英语作文 带翻译

The refrigerator is an indispensable appliance in modern households. It uses cooling technology to keep food and beverages at a low temperature, prolonging their shelf life and providing us with the convenience of food storage and refrigeration options.

Apart from being a place to store food, the refrigerator also serves as the center of the household. We often stick photos, memos, and calendars on the fridge, recording important events and to-do lists for family members. The refrigerator door can also be adorned with various magnetic decorations, adding a personalized touch to our homes.

Refrigerators have become increasingly intelligent in design. Modern refrigerators come equipped with various features such as temperature control, automatic defrosting, and ice-making machines. Some models even have smart connectivity features that allow us to remotely control and monitor the fridge's operating status through a mobile app. This enables us to check the food storage status inside the fridge when we go shopping, ensuring that we don't forget to purchase necessary ingredients.

In addition to household use, refrigerators play an important role in commercial places. Supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and more all rely on refrigerators to store and display food. The large capacity and excellent preservation effect of refrigerators ensure food quality and safety, providing us with many delicious choices.

In conclusion, the refrigerator is not just an appliance for storing food, but an essential part of modern life. Its functions and designs continue to innovate, making everyday life more convenient and allowing us to better enjoy food and maintain health. Whether at home or in a commercial environment, refrigerators play an important role and have become a necessity in our lives.







❶ 冰箱里没有水果了。There isn't any fruit in the refrigerator.

对话 A: There isn't any fruit in the refrigerator. 冰箱里没有水果了。

B: I told you yesterday. 我昨天就告诉你了。

❷ 你不觉得这瓶牛奶坏掉了吗?Don't you think the milk is spoiled?

这样回答 This milk has gone bad. 这牛奶变质了。

❸ 冰箱里的食物已经开始腐烂了。The food in the refrigerator has begun to rot.

对话 A: The food in the refrigerator has begun to rot. 冰箱里的食物已经开始腐烂了。

B: Really? I haven't inspected the fridge for a long time. 真的吗?我很久没检查冰箱了。

❹ 把它放在冰箱最里面,最冷的地方。Place it in the back of the fridge, where it's coldest.

对话 A: Where should I put the fish? 我应该把鱼放在哪儿?

B: Place it in the back of the fridge, where it's coldest. 把它放在冰箱最里面,最冷的地方。

❺ 这个西瓜太大,塞不进冰箱。The watermelon is too big to fit in the fridge.

对话 A: The watermelon is too big to fit in the fridge. 这个西瓜太大,塞不进冰箱。

B: Leave it alone. I'll deal with it later. 放那儿吧。一会儿我弄。

❻ 尽量把它们弄平整,方便在冰柜内堆放。Make them as flat as possible for easier stacking in the freezer.

同类表达 She sets the foods and drinks in the refrigerator. 她把食物和饮料放在冰箱里。

❼ 剩菜不要放到冰箱里了。The leftovers shouldn't be put into the fridge.

对话 A: The leftovers shouldn't be put into the fridge. 剩菜不要放到冰箱里了。

B: I think we shouldn't make any leftovers. 我觉得我们就不应该剩菜。

❽ 记得把冰箱关严。Remember to lock the fridge.

同类表达 Don't forget to lock the fridge.

对话 A: Remember to lock the fridge, or the food in it will spoil. 记得把冰箱关严,否则里面的食物就会腐坏了。

B: I got it. 我会注意的。

❾ 我们要定期清理冰箱。We should clear out the fridge regularly.

❿ 冰箱有异味。The fridge is faulty.
