
英语作文    发布时间:2024-07-01  



Takeoff - 起飞

Runway - 跑道

Lift-off - 离地

Thrust - 推力

Aircraft - 飞机

Pilot - 飞行员

Air Traffic Control (ATC) - 空中交通管制

Taxi - 滑行

V1 - 决断速度

V2 - 离地速度

Climb - 爬升

Altitude - 高度

Speed - 速度

Flight Path - 飞行路径

Safety - 安全


As the aircraft taxied onto the runway, the anticipation among the passengers was palpable. The engines roared to life, and the pilot announced over the intercom, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are cleared for takeoff." The plane accelerated, the nose of the aircraft tilted upwards, and the ground began to recede beneath us. The sensation of lift-off was exhilarating, a moment of weightlessness as the plane broke free from the earth's gravity.

The pilot skillfully guided the aircraft through the initial climb, and soon we were soaring above the clouds. The view from the window was breathtaking, a sea of white clouds stretching as far as the eye could see. The plane leveled off at cruising altitude, and the seatbelt sign was turned off, signaling that it was safe to move about the cabin.

The flight attendants began their service, offering drinks and snacks to the passengers. The atmosphere on board was relaxed, with many passengers taking the opportunity to read, work on their laptops, or simply enjoy the view. The flight was smooth, and the time passed quickly as we made our way to our destination.

As we approached the airport, the pilot announced the descent. The plane began to descend, and the view outside the window changed from the vast expanse of clouds to the familiar landscape of our destination. The landing gear was lowered, and the plane touched down smoothly on the runway. The engines reversed thrust, and we slowed down gradually until we came to a complete stop at the gate.

The entire process of takeoff and landing was a testament to the precision and skill of the pilot, as well as the engineering marvel that is the modern aircraft. It was a journey that began with the thrill of takeoff and ended with the satisfaction of a safe and smooth landing.







❶ 请问56A座位在哪里?Could you show me where seat 56A is?

这样回答 It's over there next to the window. 就在那边,靠窗的位置。

❷ 你介意和我换位置吗?Would you mind trading seats with me?

同类表达 Can I change seats with you? 我们能换一下座位吗?

这样回答 Sorry. I prefer an aisle seat. 抱歉,我比较喜欢挨着过道的座位。

❸ 请回到您的座位上去。Please go back to your seat.

同类表达 Please return to your seat.

❹ 打扰了,你坐在我的座位上了。Excuse me, you have my seat.

同类表达 You're sitting in my seat.

I think that's my seat.

❺ 您的座位号是20E。Your seat is 20E.

同类表达 You're assigned seat 20E.

You are in seat 20E.

❻ 请问这个位子空着吗?Excuse me, is this seat vacant?

对话 A: Excuse me, is this seat vacant? 请问这个位子空着吗?

B: Yes. You can sit here. 空着的。你可以坐在这里。

❼ 我需要一直系着安全带吗?Do I have to keep my seat belt on at all times?

这样回答 You have to keep it on during take-off, landing and when the seat belt sign is on. 在起飞、着陆和安全带指示灯亮起的时候您一定要系着。

❽ 请问安全带要怎么解开?Can you tell me how to unfasten the seat belt?

同类表达 Can you tell me how to fasten the seat belt? 请问怎么系安全带?

❾ 起飞时请待在您的位置上。Please remain in your seat during taking off.

同类表达 You can move to another seat after taking off. 在起飞后,您可以移到别的位子上去。

❿ 可以帮我把行李放上去吗?Could you please help me put my baggage up there?

同类表达 The overhead compartments are all full. Where can I put my baggage? 上面的置物箱都满了,我的行李放哪里?

Could you please help me get my baggage up there? 可以帮我把行李拿下来吗?